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The next morning, Snape walked me to the entrance to Dumbledore's office.

"Sherbet Lemon."

The griffin door opened to reveal a set of stairs.

"After you Riddle."

We went in the office. Dumbledore was petting a red bird.

"Good morning Professor Snape, Miss. Riddle."

"Good morning Headmaster," we said.

"Christina, this is Fawkes, he's a phoenix, my loyal pet and friend."

"He's beautiful," I said.

"Pet him, don't be shy."

I petted the cute phoenix.

"So, we are here to discuss what has been going on with you, I hear that the anger issues you have are a cause for concern, uncontrollable levitation and books falling from their shelves, I don't know how you inherited your anger, you inherited the nonverbal and wandless magic from your father, but we are here to help you control those powers and your anger. You will have private sessions with Professor Snape on your powers. About your anger, you be provided every morning a potion called the Draught of Peace, it temporarily cures anxiety and agitation. The only side effect is that if Snape overdos it, you will fall into a deep sleep, you have nothing to worry about because he is a master in his craft. Do you understand everything I said?"

"Yes sir," I nodded.

"Good. One last thing, last night, you went out of your way to help a distressed student, three students actually, three students you wish to be friends with. Your bravery will be rewarded somehow."

"I only helped them defeat the troll."

"I know Miss. Riddle, the four of you will be rewarded. And, it would mean so much to them if you cheer Mr. Potter on in his first Quidditch game later on."

"Will do Headmaster."

"Is there anything you wish to tell or ask me?"

"Can you tell me more of my father, like what kind of a person he was?"

"When he was a student here, Armando Dippet was Headmaster, I was but a regular teacher here, Tom Riddle was charming, intelligent, he read all the time, hardly spoke to the other students unless he was forced to. He was what the Muggles call antisocial. He was prefect his fifth year and Head Boy in his seventh and final year, after he graduated, he applied for the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position but was deemed too young, he got a job at Borgin and Burkes. That's all for now Miss. Riddle. You may go to breakfast, you take The Draught of Peace starting twenty four hours from now until further notice."

"Yes sir, see you in class Professor Snape."

They nodded as I left.

After breakfast before class, I was bored, I decided to take a look at the trophies. Gryffindor Quidditch Seeker James Potter, Harry's father. Right next to that trophy, I saw one, it was a Special Award for Special Services to the School, T. M. Riddle, 1943. T. M. Riddle, Tom Marvolo Riddle, my own father! He must've been in his fifties when I was born, that's old.

The next morning was Halloween and my first dose of the Draught of Peace. It tasted like bitter vanilla ice cream, but I can live with it, I like ice cream, a rarity for the orphans to have stuff like that. At breakfast, owls arrived with mail, Jareth, my owl, dropped a letter in my hands.

"You seem to be one of the only ones who got mail," Draco said.

I looked at the letter.

"Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy."

You Look So Much Like Your Father (A Harry Potter Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن