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Free time on a weekend, my favorite. I spent the Saturday afternoon reading in the almost empty common room, the new copy of the Cask of Amontillado that the Malfoys gave me, picking up where I left off. I saw Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis walk in, I felt them stare at me for a few seconds before coming towards me.

"Hello," Greengrass said.

"Hi," I replied.

"We were never properly introduced the first night, I'm Daphne Greengrass, pureblood but not as pure as you think."

"I'm Tracey Davis, halfblood, Daphne's friend."

Daphne held out her hand, I hesitated for a second but shook both of their hands.

"Christina Riddle, halfblood."

"I used to be friends with Millicent and Pansy, I realize how they treat you, I washed my hands of them. Hopefully, you can be our friend."

I smirked.

"Well, you really mean it. I will."

They smiled.

"Thank you Christina!"

"We were heading to lunch in the great hall, you can come with us."

I went with Tracey and Daphne to lunch.

"You're an orphan?" Daphne asked.

"Yeah, I grew up in a Muggle orphanage, I never knew where I came from until Dumbledore visited me with my letter, I'm a halfblood witch, halfblood father and pureblood mother. That explained my uncontrollable powers when I'm angry."

"I heard what you did to Malfoy, nice going," Tracey said.

"But he apologized to me and gave me a new copy of the book he threw in the fireplace."

"He apologized?"

"I guess he did it so he wouldn't have to be levitated again, he told his parents about me, said they knew my parents and me when I was a baby, I'm his cousin on my mother's side."

"Wonder why you were given up?" Daphne asked.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"There's something that everyone who knew them are not telling me."

"Maybe we can help."

"Thank you. May I ask you a question?"


"Is talking to snakes normal?"

Daphne froze.

"You're a parselmouth, you speak to snakes, you speak parseltongue, that's why you're in Slytherin, you're a descendent of Slytherin himself!"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Most of the time...but in your case, no, you're a nice girl."


I laughed.

"There's a family tree section in the library, we could help you there."

"That would be nice."

The following Monday was Potions, Snape was pairing the Slytherins and Gryffindors up.

"Riddle and Potter."

Me and Harry smiled at each other as we sat together.

"First time with a Gryffindor in class, this should be good, no offense."

"None taken Tina," Harry said.

"Tina, you're calling her Tina?" Ron asked from behind.

I turned around.

You Look So Much Like Your Father (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now