End Of Year One

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After reading to Harry and Ron in the Gryffindor common room, I slept on the couch. I woke up to Harry shaking me awake.

"Tina, wake up, you gotta see what I found! Ron!"

Harry ran upstairs to the boy's dormatories.

"Ron, Ron, wake up, you gotta see this Ron, you gotta see this!"

We followed Harry across the castle to a dark room.

"Come look, it's my parents!"

We stopped in front of a large mirror.

"Ron, do you see them!?"

Ron looked in the mirror.

"That's me, only I'm Head Boy, I'm holding the Quidditch Cup, and bloody hell, I'm Quidditch captain too, I look good."

"What do you see Tina?" Harry asked gently dragging me in front of the mirror.

I saw myself.

"I see myself-"

But, I noticed something different about my clothing, instead of my pajamas, I was wearing my robe, but instead of green, it was red, the crest was a lion instead of a snake.

"I'm wearing Gryffindor robes instead of my Slytherin ones."

I just stared at myself.

"I wish I can resort to your house. I hate being a Slytherin, they hate me."

I felt Harry's hand on my shoulder.

"Daphne and Tracey don't hate you, I don't hate you, Ron doesn't hate you. Like I said, not all Slytherins are bad. Why? Because you proved that to us."

I hugged him.

When break was over, everyone came back. Hermione, Tracey, and Daphne thanked me for the drawings. I saw Draco in Transfiguration class.

"Christina, come here."

I sat in front of him.

"I got your Christmas gift, the drawing, you know."

"You don't like it do you?"

"Oh no, it's good, I liked it. Mum said you have artistic talent like your Mum, her name was Talitha Black."

"My mum's name is Talitha?"

"Yeah, pretty much all the Black family members are named after a star in the sky."

"Draco, did I tell you my father's side of the family are the Gaunts?"

His eyes widened.

"That family's all dead, but you're a Riddle, they were Muggles."

"My grandmother is Merope Gaunt and my grandfather is Tom Riddle Sr, she was a squib."

"Still, you've got Muggle in you."

McGonagall walked in.

"Thank you," Draco whispered.

McGonagall began her lecture.

"I hope you have had a very pleasant break, now it's back to Transfiguration. The lesson we shall start is transforming books into mice, we will be using your books as examples, I'll do mine and I'll call a volunteer."

She pointed her wand at her copy of the textbook.


The book turned into a cute little mouse.

"I hope you've paid attention because I may use it for your exams at the end of the year. Now, who would like to volunteer to try for themselves?"

Most of us, including me and Draco raised our hands.

You Look So Much Like Your Father (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя