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December came around, and Louis and Harry were cuddled up together in Louis' bed.



"Have you talked to your friends again?" Harry asked. He had been wondering for a while if Louis had reconnected his friendship with Liam and Calvin.

"No, I haven't talked to them in months." Louis answered.

"I think you should." Harry suggested, gently stroking Louis' back.

"What if they don't want to talk to me anymore? or be friends with me again?" He questioned, hypothetically.

"They're still your friends, Lou. You just had a disagreement, friends have those." Harry replied.

Louis sighed. "I guess you're right, but it still doesn't change how they treated you. Well, Calvin mostly."

"It doesn't bother me, honestly. What matters is that you get back together with your friends and work things out." He demanded.

Louis knew it was probably time to sort things out with them. They were friends since they were very young and practically grew up together.

Which is why Louis listened and was now sat with both friends at a nearby restaurant.

"So, you wanted to talk to us?" Calvin asked, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Yes, I wanted us to meet and talk because it's been a while." Answered, Louis.

"It has," Liam agreed. "I'm sorry if I ghosted you. I just thought since everyone was upset, you probably needed some space. I didn't know it would've been this long. I still should've tried reaching out, and I'm sorry." He apologised.

"It's fine, I should've reached out as well and called." Louis tells him.

"I'm sorry too." Calvin spoke up. Louis and Liam turned their heads to him.

"I was selfish and immature. Harry is your first boyfriend after 2 or 3 years. I should have been happy for you that you finally found someone else after so long. For that, I am sorry." He apologised.

Louis was taken aback at Calvin's apology. Not because he wasn't expecting him to apologise, but because he was surprised he did considering how upset he remembered him being. He thought he still would've held a grudge and continued to be angry at him.

"It's okay, I forgive you. I understand why you were upset though, and I'm sorry I didn't spend as much time with you guys as I used to." Louis said. To be quite honest, Louis too had held a grudge against Calvin. He held a grudge at the way he acted toward him, and the things he said about Harry. However, Louis figured he probably shouldn't let that grudge get to him and focus on things that really mattered. Though, a little bit of that grudge was still in him.

"No, you don't need to apologise for that. You had every right to spend much time with Harry, he's your boyfriend. These things happen with friends, and of course, some aren't gonna be happy and feel as though that friend is spending too much time with that relationship, rather than them. As it turns out, I was that friend." He admitted.

"So again, I'm sorry. I will apologise as many times because I know I wasn't being a good friend." He truthfully said.

"I accept your apology, it's fine. We were all in the wrong, and we admitted it and apologised. We're good, I promise." Louis assured.

"Yeah, we're all good." Liam chimed back in, giving them both an assuring smile.

"So, are we friends again?" Calvin asked, hopefully.

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