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It was a week after the fire incident at the cafe, and Louis was hanging out with Gemma. They hadn't hang out for a while since him and Harry got together.

"How comes you don't like mint? it's amazing!" Gemma exclaimed, taking a small spoonful of the icecream in her hand.

"It's not that I don't like it, I'm allergic to it." Louis clarified, holding a small vanilla icecream cone.

"Mmhm." She hummed, seeming to be enjoying her minty ice cream.

"So I got a new job a few weeks ago." She mentioned as she continued to eat her ice cream.

"Really? where?"

"Well, technically it's not a new job, but a promotion. I am now councilor of the school I work at." She answered. Gemma has been working as a teacher for a few months after finally getting her license.

"That's brilliant! what happened to the old councilor?" Louis asked. They found a bench, and decided to take a seat on it.

"She retired. She'd been working there since the school opened up, and since I'm so great with the students, they chose me to take her place," She explained. "And of course, making teenagers open up is difficult, but they've seen how I talk to some of them and assure them that everything will be fine."

"Wow, I'm really happy for you, this is a great opportunity." He complimented, giving her a proud smile.

"Thank you. I'm gonna miss being a teacher though, but they said I can decide whenever I want to be a teacher again." She said.

"How's your work by the way?" She asked curiously, taking another spoonful of her ice cream.

"Well, it won't be opening again any time soon; But I kind of like this little vacation." He answered, finally eating his ice cream as he noticed it was starting to melt.

"I don't get it, why didn't you guys just bring an oven from home?"

He looked at her questionably, wondering what in the hell she was talking about.


"An oven has to be attached to something if put somewhere else...right? like with wires and stuff."

"Uhmm...yes?" They stared at each other for a while before bursting into laughter, realizing how ridiculous she sounded at first.

"How are you a teacher?" Louis laughed.

"Because I'm extremely smart! well, except in this case." She joked, and they laughed at the humor.

"But seriously, about the oven; My manager decided that we have an oven installed. Three to be exact, to keep up the work process. He also brought us all in a meeting and practically demanded that we stay focused and alert. He said that we have to keep an eye on the ovens at all times while baking, and not leaving it to take care of anything else and such. He also mentioned who and who will work to get the café ready and opened up. He was very serious about it too." He explained as he continued to eat his ice cream.

"He must be a serious manager then." She took notice of, and took another spoon of her ice cream as well.

"Trust me, he is." He laughed.

"Hey what time is it?" She asked, and Louis looked at his watch.

"6:15" He answered.

"Okay, I gotta get back home now. I was supposed to cook dinner for Harry and I." She said, standing up, being careful not to drop her ice cream.

"Can I join?" Louis asked.

"Of course you can! you don't even need to ask." She said, taking her hand in his and happily walking arm and arm to her's and Harry's place.

• • •

"Where is he?" Gemma asked frantically, as she kept looking out the window for Harry's car. They had gotten to her house almost 3 hours ago, expecting Harry to already be home for dinner, or at least come home at some point. He had left earlier this morning, saying that he was only going to hang out with friends; But then again, Gemma knew Harry's friends. She knew they weren't good company, especially the state that he's in that she'd been trying really hard for him to fix.

"Try calling him again." Louis suggested. Louis was worrying just as as she was, but wanted to stay calm in hopes that he would somehow show up.

Gemma nodded, and walked over to the telephone before dialing his number. For the 4th time so far, there was no answer.

"Oh my god!" She cried out in frustration, slamming the phone back into it's place. She sprinted toward the sofa, sitting down on it and burying her face in her hands.

"This is all my fault, I should've went with him to wherever he was going," She whimpered. Louis sat next to her, rubbing her back as she started to cry silently.

"A few months ago, he came up to me and said that we needed to talk. He said that he didn't want me to go everywhere with him anymore, and that he's not a child anymore," She started. This sounded familiar to Louis, having had that conversation with Harry already.

"I listened because I knew he was right, but it also felt wrong because I've always felt like it was my job to watch over him. I mean, he's my baby brother. Even though he's clearly not a baby anymore of course, after everything that has happened- I feel like it's my job to watch him and make sure he's safe and alright." Louis nodded, understanding where she was coming from.

"I've been doing the best I can for him all these years. We don't have any parents at all, Louis. I have to be the parent now. I don't even know where the fuck our mum is, and I don't really care because at least I stayed." She started crying after that, and Louis kept rubbing her shoulder for comfort.

After about 5 minutes, they were startled by the sound of the phone ringing.

Gemma was quick to sprint over to the phone and answer. "Hello?"

"Yes, this is she. Where's my brother?" She wasted no time on asking.

"What?!" Louis jumped at her sudden outburst. "Okay, I'll be there soon." She hung up, and rubbed her face in frustration. Louis looked at her in concern, wondering what was going on.

"What's wrong?"

She looked up at him, and sighed, closing her eyes before opening them again.

"Harry's in jail."

Hope you guys liked this chapter! I was ill last week so that's why I didn't update. But I'm all better now!

I hope everyone's doing alright😘

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