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"Where are we going?" Harry curiously asked Louis, for the second time. They were driving to who knows where.

"You'll see, babe." He replied. Harry then remembered the time it was the other way around. He remembered when it was him being mysterious when driving Louis somewhere.

He laid his head on the window, and decided to sleep until they got there. 7 minutes later, the car stopped. Harry woke up immediately, confused because he didn't think the ride would've been short.

"It was just 20 minutes, love. You spent half of it awake." He said, and opened the door. He knew that was true. Harry looked out the window first and realized immediately where they were.

The first thing he saw was the ferris wheel not too far from him. He saw the kids running around and dragging their parents hand toward their favorite ride. It had been almost a year since he'd been to the fair, and the last time was when him and Louis bumped into each other. He didn't know it had opened up again.

He finally stepped out of the car and caught up with Louis, who was waiting for him. They held hands as they walked across the fair to find a ride. The first ride they went on was the swing ride, which Louis refused at first but then enjoyed it. The next one was the cliffhanger. Neither enjoyed it at all, and Harry quickly rushed to the nearest trashcan to puke.

"Are you okay?" Louis asked, with concern.

"Yeah, you know how these rides get you." He chuckled.

They walked next to each other as they continued to look for a new ride. After riding a few more rides, Louis stopped once a ride caught his eye. He turned to Harry who immediately shook his head as soon as he realized what ride it was.

"No, not at all!" He refused.

"Come on! It'll be fun." Louis said, trying to convince him. Harry looked up at the tall ride they call "The Super Drop Tower" and gulped. He wasn't afraid of heights, but the ride itself he feared. He had only been on there once as a child, and he promised himself he would never in a million years go on it again.

"Fine, I'll just go alone then." Said, Louis, as he turned back around and walked toward the gigantic ride. Harry looked around and realized he was lonely. With a sigh, he crossed his heart and said a little prayer, before breathing in and then out. Finally, he made his way toward the ride and Louis gave him a satisfied smirk. He rolled his eyes at him, jokingly.

After getting on the ride and getting strapped in, Louis gently grabbed Harry's hand to calm him down a bit, as he seemed to be nervous. Harry immediately squeezed it tight as he looked down, gulping again. He was glad he got to sit next to Louis before anyone else could. The ride suddenly began to go up, and Harry held Louis' hand even tighter.

"Come on, love. It isn't that much of a scary ride." He tried to convince. Harry shook his head again before saying "Tell that to 7 year old me who pissed himself."

At that, Louis bursted into fits of laughter. Harry frowned as Louis laughed. He gave him the finger before slapping him on his knee. The ride stopped at the very top, and not even a second later, it dropped drown-causing screams of fear and joy. Harry screamed loudly as it went down, causing an uneasy fear in his stomach.

Louis looked over at Harry as the ride stopped, He had his eyes tightly shut. "You can open your eyes now, babe."

Harry slowly opened his eyes, still holding onto Louis' hand. He sighed of relief. They unbuckled themselves and hopped out.

"I love you, but never again." He said, still shaken up from the ride. Louis laughed and took his hand. He leaned up to plant a soft-reassuring kiss on his lips. He immediately calmed down after that.

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