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"Where are we going?" Louis asked Harry for the hundredth time, as they were driving to who knows where.

"If you ask me one more time, I'm gonna pull this car over and leave you on the side walk." He said, scaring Louis, but calmed him down when he saw Harry crack a smile.

"I'm just messing with you, darling. I'm still not telling you, though." Louis pouted at that, and crossed his arms over his chest, continuing to look out the window.

It seemed as if they were driving for hours, but in reality, it had only been 25 minutes.

Louis sighed and decided to take a little nap, because he didn't know how long until they get to wherever they were going.

A few minutes passed by, then a few minutes turned into an hour. Louis opened his eyes, and saw that they were still driving.

"We haven't gotten there yet?" He said with a little whine, sitting back up to be more comfortable.

"Yeah, we just have another hour and we'll be there." Another hour? Louis said in his mind with disbelief.

"Where are we going that's this far?" At that point, Louis was really curious. The last time he'd sat in a car this long, was when he was 16 and on his way to his grandparents house. They lived far, and it was a long drive from Doncaster to Manchester.

"You'll see." Was all he said. Louis rolled his eyes and tried going back to sleep. He couldn't, so he sat there looking out the window.

"Wanna hear some music?" Harry asked, and Louis nodded. He felt some music would spare him some time.

Harry turned the radio on, and Louis quickly snapped his towards the radio as soon as he heard what was on.

"What? you like this song?" Louis nodded, and immediately began singing.

"To a room with some lace and paper flowers. Back to the Gypsy, that I was." He sang, proudly. Harry looked over at him, smiling slightly

"When this song first came out, my dad was the one to introduce me to it." He began. Louis stopped singing, and looked to him to listen to what he was saying.

"I was 11 at the time. It was his favorite song of theirs. He's even been to their concerts, my mum and him." He told him, concentrating on the road as he spoke.

"Which concert did they go to?"

"The one here in London. It was summer of 69. The band was here in London, and my mum, she didn't listen to them much, but she knew how much of a huge fan my dad was to them." Louis nodded as he continued.

"Funny thing about it was, they actually caught their attention." Louis looked at him confusingly, not understanding what he meant by that.

"Stevie saw them in the crowd and asked if they were a couple. They said yes, and Stevie asked: 'where did a man like you find a girl this young?' and my dad laughed and answered, 'Only once in a lifetime, mate'." Louis laughed, Harry doing the same.

"Do you miss them?" Louis knew he shouldn't have asked that, because Harry immediately tensed up at the question.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's okay." He cut him off. "I miss my dad....just not my mum."

Louis gave him a questioning look, but remembered why Harry had said that. His mum had left him. What makes it even worse is that she probably didn't even give them a warning. He and Gemma probably woke up one day and saw that she was gone. He remembered Harry saying he was the reason for her leaving, and that it was all his fault.

Louis doubted that though. His mum was stupid for leaving them like that, especially in the state that her son was in. He thought she would've fought more for him, but guessed she couldn't fight any longer.

"I'm sorry I asked you." Louis said, and Harry shook his head.

"It's fine." Louis nodded his head slowly, sensing a bit of awkwardness.

Soon, it was silent again, and the music wasn't helping anymore.

"Go to sleep, love. We'll be there soon." Harry said, and Louis didn't want to go back to sleep because he no longer could, but tried to anyway.

Eventually sleep did overtake him, and he soon drifted off. He woke up once he realised that the car has stopped.

He opened his eyes and looked around at his surroundings. He didn't recognise the place at all, but it seemed like they were somewhere in what looked like a park.

It was beautiful. It was a bit colourful, and there were beautiful gardens and grass.

"This is Peak Wood National Park. My parents used to take me and Genmma here all the time in the summer." Harry spoke up.

Louis continued to look around. It was a beautiful place. He's never been to this place before, and started to wonder why his parents never took him.

They got out of the car, and Harry began to walk somewhere, Louis curiously following behind him.

They continued to walk, until Louis noticed a sign not far from them. As they got closer, the sign became visible. Peak Wildlife Park. Louis' heard of that before, but never been to it.

They got inside, and were immediately introduced by a lady who looked to be in her mid 60s.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The lady asked sweetly as she approached the two.

"I'd like to see the penguins." Harry replied.

"Harry, right?" He nodded, probably knowing who the lady was.

"Gosh, you've grown up! I haven't seen you in ages!" She exclaimed, bringing him into a hug. He awkwardly hugged back, not seeming to like hugs very much.

She pulled away and looked him up and down. "I can't believe it's been so long, how have you been?"

"I've been good." He answered. Which was kind of a lie, but he clearly didn't want to say anything else.

"That's nice." She replied back. She looked like she wanted to say more after looking around for some reason, but Harry gave her a look, so she decided to not to say.

She looked over at Louis, and confusingly looked at the unfamiliar lad. "Who's this?"

"This is Louis, my...." he cut himself off, wondering where they stood in whatever relationship it was that they were in.

"Nice to meet you, Louis. I'm Cindy." She introduced herself, saving Harry from saying anything further that he wasn't yet ready to say.

"If you would please follow me this way." She instructed, and they followed her to where the pinguens probably were.

Hope you liked this chapter!.xX

I stopped here because it's late and I'm tired asf😭 so until next time, my loves!

Also, have you listened to Walls? Its so good!😊 favourite song from it? I love all of them.

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