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12 days and 2 weeks. That's how long it had been since they last saw each other. Harry didn't come to the cafe anymore like usual, and Louis didn't mind at first. He even convinced himself he didn't care, but then he started to miss him. Which he badly didn't want to. He wanted to forget about Harry, and not get himself in that situation with him again.

It soon turned into a month. Him and Gemma were still friends, and they would still hang out from time to time; But Gemma knew not to bring up, Harry. She knew what happened and decided to be the good friend she is, and not bring him up.

He soon started to miss Harry like crazy, and every day would look outside the cafe for the curly lad, but he never showed up.

When it was soon to be 2 months, Louis began to give up and say to himself that Harry didn't really care for him anymore and it was all just part of a game. He proved that the day of the incident. Then the not showing up at the cafe anymore. Not even asking Gemma how he was, was much proof to him.

It wasn't until Wednesday night, that Louis got a sudden knock at his door. It was almost midnight, and Louis was sure none of his friends would've been up this late-especially when they have work in the morning.

He got out his bed with curiosity, and slipped on his slippers because he hated the cold floor. He walked down the stairs, and started to get an idea of who was behind the door.

He peeked through the hole, and just as he thought, the person who he thought he would had never seen again, was there behind the door.

He second guessed opening it, knowing it as a bad sign of giving in.

"Lou?" The voice slurred. He didn't have to question it, Louis knew he was drunk.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Louis asked, even though he knew very well why he was there.

"I came to see you." He answered.

Louis sighed, rubbing his tired eyes. Waking up this late wasn't his favorite thing, but he also knew that he couldn't leave the lad standing out there for too long.

He gave in and slowly opened the door to reveal a pained looking, Harry. He had bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in days. His eyes were bloodshot red, the obvious use of alcohol present in them. Louis could sense he had been smoking too, the smell lingering from where he was.

His body was trembling, like he was cold-which he was. Louis wondered how he could've possibly been cold if he was already inside; But then his gaze lingered on what he was wearing, which was definitely not appropriate for the cold winter weather. He had on a white sleeveless top, with a pair of dark skinny jeans. His skin looked pale, extremely pale, almost lifeless. His eyes looked lifeless as well. Louis felt bad, almost like it was his fault he was this way. Then again, Louis had a reason to be upset with him.

He moved to the side to let him in, not saying a word to him as he closed the door.

Harry hovered over the kitchen table, groaning as he mumbled "Can I please get some water?" Louis said a quiet "Sure" and walked past the lad's hovered body and into the kitchen.

He poured him a glass of water from the sink, checking the temperature to make sure it was cold. He gently tapped Harry on the shoulder, signaling him to straighten up so he could drink it.

He stood himself up, and took the glass-quickly gulping it down. When done, he handed it back to Louis, thanking him before making his way to the couch to sit down.

Louis returned, and looked inside the closet to find a blanket and pillow.

"Get some sleep, you'll be fine in the morning." He said, covering Harry up with the blanket and putting the pillow where he was gonna be laying.

Harry gave him a little nod in response, and laid down on the couch, getting himself comfortable and covering himself up more with the blanket.

Louis was about to head upstairs, before stopping in his tracks as he heard the voice mumble. "I'm sorry." But he pretended he didn't hear, and continued his way up the stairs.

He knew Harry was sorry, and that he needed an explanation on what really happened that night. He needed to know, why. Why did Harry do it? they were so close to starting something, why did it have to go down hill like that? not that it did, but that's what it felt like. He knew he was being a bit dramatic, but he was starting to really like Harry. He honestly already did.

Though, it was like they were complete opposites. Neither knew much about each other, other than what they had discussed. Louis didn't know Harry at all. Knowing him for some months now, Louis felt like there was still so much more hidden behind those green eyes. He would sometimes see fear, like the lad was scared of something. Sometimes he would see hurt, like he was hurt by something; But he would sometimes also see nothing, like his eyes shut off every sense of finding in them.

Louis though, he was an open book. He had nothing to hide, nothing to be hidden. He had nothing that was a conflict to him. Thinking of how different him and Harry were, made him think, was it ever going to work? or was it too quick to jump in that stage? how opposite were we?. Louis knew they were far from different, and differences don't match.

Then again, did it matter? people who are different from each other, are often attracted to each other.

Louis knew that as, opposites attract. He didn't want to, but he was falling hard, and he knew it.

Tought I'd end it here because I don't want it too long.
Hope you liked this chapter!

Also, did you see Harry's new mv? Loved it!😊❤

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