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People sometimes would say that true love only existed in books or were only fiction. That's what Louis believed for a while since his failed relationships. He lost faith in whether or not he believed in love anymore. His family and friends, would try to encourage him to just start over and forget the past; But the past held memories. Memories he would never be able to forget, no matter how hard he tried.

He had been hurt many times, and was afraid of being hurt again if he were to ever find someone else. When Nicole convinced him to start dating again, he thought she was just saying that out of pity of him being alone for the past few years. Though, she did not understand his fear. How scared he was to fall back into that path again.

That's why he was so scared of starting a new relationship with Harry. The passed couple of weeks that they had been spending together, drew them closer and closer. Louis saw it as a good sign in starting a new relationship, and Harry knew it too. There was just one problem. In the process of that, Louis' fear of hurt crawled back up again.  He was now scared of falling in love again and getting hurt along the way.

He began to think that Nicole was wrong, and that he really was not ready. He thought that he could maybe try, try to make it work. It just feared him more.

"You seem to be thinking hard." A female voice startled him from his thoughts. He looked up to see Lottie standing by the door, arms crossed.

"Yeah, just have a lot on my mind." He sighed, rubbing his head in frustration.

Lottie eyed him suspiciously, knowing her brother too well.

"It's about Harry, isn't it?"

He looked up at her a little surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Come on Lou, I know you way too well to tell what's going on with you. Now what is it?" She said, sitting next to him on the bed. He was laying down with his hands behind his head.

"I honestly don't know. I guess i'm just a little confused." He answered. He didn't know if 'confused' was the right answer, but his mind was so filled with thoughts, that he didn't even know what to say to himself.

"Confused about what? your feelings?" Louis nodded, knowing that was part of the reason.

"Louis what's there to be confused about? you like him, and I know he fells the same way about you too." He shook his head quickly. That's what scared him even more. He did like Harry, a lot; But feared he just wasn't ready and would ruin everything.

"I thought you liked him?" He asked her teasingly with a grin.

She chuckled and looked down. "I do, but I know I lost my opportunity when I realised he likes you even more." Louis smiled at that, blushing a little.

"Maybe you can just try. You're really not trying, and if you take too long to figure out what you want, it will already be too late and he would already have found someone." She was right, he knew it.

"I'm gonna go, but I hope you know what you want as soon as possible." She said, standing up.

Louis nodded, and watched as she left the room. He sighed again, closing his eyes and letting his thoughts go to rest. Man how this is hard, he thought.


• • •

"What is this place?" Louis asked Harry, as they walked inside the loud blaring place.

"It's a pub" He answered simply. He has never been to a pub that played music this loud before.

"What are we doing here, though?" He asked, curiously.

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