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"Who was your first crush?" Asked, Harry, as he played with his fingers whilst Lottie was calmly combing his hair down.

"Cher." He answered, as he watched his sister trim and comb his boyfriend's hair. Harry didn't really ask her to do anything to his hair, but she asked if she could wash it for him, which he was confused about, but agreed on it. Which later turned into her trimming the dead ends off, and combing it at the same time. It was already dried from being blow dried, but left the ends wet so she could cut them properly and easily identify them. She was off from uni for a week, so she decided to spend some quality time with them over at Louis' flat, which they didn't mind at all.

"Isn't she a celebrity?" He asked.

"Yeah but she was my first crush ever when I was about 8, even though she's like- 50 right now and was probably 30 something at the time." He joked. Lottie put the comb down and grabbed a brush, and began brushing Harry's hair-which was now laid down on his neck and behind his ears.

"What about you? who was your first famous crush?"

"Ornella Muti. I was 5, and my mum and I were watching her new film; The Last Woman. She caught my eye in an instant because she was so beautiful to me. Still is by the way, she's gorgeous." Louis felt a hint of jealousy, but brushed it off since it wasn't really a big deal to be jealous over.

"Who was the first boy you had a crush on?" Louis asked. He admired Harry's hair for a second, trying to detect whether or not it was presentable.

"If you mean non famous, it was my first boyfriend. His name was Jake, and we were together for a while in high school." He answered, blinking when a piece of hair fell in his face. Louis pushed it back, getting it out his face and earning a smile from him. Lottie smiled at the interaction, it being unnoticed by them.

"What happened?" He asked again, curiously.

"I'd rather not talk about it." He insisted. Louis gave him a questionable look, but decided to listen and not question any further.

"As for famous though, Johnny Depp."

"Ah, handsome lad he is. I loved that movie he was in, with his hands as scissors." He said. Lottie gave Harry's hair one more look, before deciding it looked okay.

"Edward Scissorhands?" He guessed, standing up and walking over to the mirror that was in between the two doors of the wardrobe.

"Yeah, that one." Louis said, admiring Harry looking into the mirror at himself. His hair was combed and brushed down, making it look longer in a way. His curls were behind his ears, loose and touching his neck. It was styled in a way that it had volume and was thicker in appearance. He seemed to have liked it, smiling at himself.

"Do you like it?" Lottie asked, nervously.

"I love it." He said, smiling wider, and Lottie looking proud of herself.

Louis couldn't help but touch it, feeling the soft ends of the curls and twisting them around his finger.

"Thanks, Lotts."

"No problem, Harold." She smiled. They spent the whole day with Lottie, watching films and playing board games. It was midnight, and Harry was fast asleep on the couch cuddled into Louis' shoulder, snoring softly.

"Lottie?" Louis called suddenly, and Lottie turned her head to him, eyes blurry from tiredness.


"Who was your first celebrity crush?"

"Really? we're still doing this?" She laughed quietly not to wake Harry up.

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