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It was cold in London. It is really cold, especially in this November weather. Louis never liked the cold. He was more of a warm-summer kind of person.

He usually rides his bike to work everyday, but today, he decided against it and took his car instead because of the cold weather.

"You're early." Tamera, his boss, spoke.

Louis walked to the back, Tamera following behind him.

"Yeah, I drove today, which is probably why. It's insanely cold for some reason, especially since it's only November." He replied, washing his hands in the sink.

"I think the weather is just in a bad mood this season." She joked, patting him lightly on the back before walking away back to her office.

Louis checked the time, wanting to make sure he was early enough to start working. He worked at a local cafe, the only job that paid him more than he needed. His old jobs never paid him much, and he was usually paid lower than expected.

By eight o clock, his co-workers began coming in, saying quick "hellos" before starting to work.

"You came early today." Nicole says to him. Nicole's Louis' co-worker, but also one of his closest friends. She was practically his only friend at work, but he wouldn't count his other coworkers as friends, considering they barely spoke a word to each other.

"Yeah, it's really cold out, so I drove." She nodded and headed to the back, whilst Louis continued to make pastries.

At nine, the cafe was almost full of people. Louis just got done serving one of his customers, when another caught his eye. He doesn't think he has ever seen this person before. Usually, his customers are very well known to him, and he has a proper relationship with them because everyone kind of knew each other here and there.

This one though, he wasn't quite familiar with. He had brown curly hair, one side hanging-covering a bit of his face. He wore a black leather jacket and a white button-up. If Louis said he wasn't quite good looking, he would be lying.

The stranger walked up to him, sitting down with a blank expression on his face. To Louis, he seemed kind of stressed. He didn't know what was wrong with him, and he didn't feel it was appropriate to ask-considering he had no idea who the person was.

Louis eyed him for a moment as he looked over at the menu screen behind him.

"I'll just have a regular coffee, please. Extra sugar, heavy cream. "

He nodded and began making the brew. He made his way back to the stranger once he was done making the coffee, sitting down with the hot cup.

"That would be £2.20." He said, and the stranger handed him the cash, putting his wallet back in his pants.

The stranger stood up, taking his cup and walking away from him towards the door. Louis watched him as he left, closing the door behind him.

He stared at it for a moment, before sighing and moving on to his next customer.

• • •

"I just think this show is just one of those 'big' American shows that aren't even big, but just shit when you watch them constantly." Liam says, making Louis roll his eyes as that didn't even make any sense.

They were currently in Louis' flat watching this new show called, "Friends." The lad has been insulting the show for the past ten minutes, making Louis annoyed and wanting to kick him out and never let him inside his flat ever again.

It's a great show, mate. It practically just came out, so it'll probably get more popular in time. Stop being a wanker and just watch the show." Louis tells him. Liam shakes his head, but resumes his attention back to the show.

A few moments later, Louis suddenly thought of something. Or someone. He suddenly thought of the new lad he saw yesterday. He didn't see him again today. He knew he was probably new, as everyone in town knew each other, and he had never seen him at the cafe before.

"Are you alright mate? You seem spaced out there." At that, Louis immediately came back to. He didn't realise he had spaced out for a second.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"You sure?"

Louis looked at his friend, his eyes meeting his curious brown ones.

"Yeah, of course, nothing to worry about." He answered, honestly. It's not like it was a big deal anyway.

Liam nodded, not thinking much about it, and returned to his previous gaze.

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