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Ever since the incident with Harry, Louis had a hard time getting it out of his mind. He had never been in a situation like that. Seeing Harry drunk was like seeing the person he cared deeply about, ruin their self with alcohol. He had known him for almost 5 months, and yet- he felt like he needed to protect him in every way possible.

"That will be €25." He said to the customer. The customer paid, and said goodbye to him before leaving.

As the customer left, he saw a familiar mop of curls walk in. Louis' breathe hitched, as the boy walked over to him.

"Hey." Harry greeted him with a smile. Louis didn't respond, which made him frown.

"Can I just get a coffee please?" He asked, and Louis nodded. He finished making the coffee and placed the cup in front of him.

"Are you okay? you seem a little off today." Harry said. He noticed Louis wasn't saying anything to him, which made him confused.

"Uhhh...I-" He couldn't find the words to say to him. The day after the incident, it was awkward because they only spoke two words to each other before Harry left. Louis thought long and hard that day on what would've happened if things ended in a bad way.

"You know what? never mind." He said, a little harshly. "I'll just be on my way then." And at that, he walked away and out of the cafe.

Louis let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and returned to work.

By the time night came around, Louis and 4 other co-workers, stayed by and were cleaning up the place. "I'm heading out." He said, and made his way outside-heading home. Liam had his car for the day because his wouldn't start.

He didn't really like walking alone at night, unless he was with someone to keep him company. He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his jacket, and let his head down to fight through the cold. He was almost near his flat, until he had a weary feeling of someone following him. He looked behind him, but saw no one.

He shook off his worrying, and began walking again. He was almost near his flat, until he was suddenly pulled aside behind a bricked wall.

He was about to fight back, until he looked up and recognised the familiar green eyes. "Harry? what are you doing?" He questioned. He thought he was being kidnapped or was about to get killed.

"What's your problem?" He rudely asked, getting closer to Louis. Louis backed away until his back was against the wall.

"I should be asking you the same thing." He shot back.

"Is this about what happened the other day?" Louis didn't respond, which answered the question.

He sighed, and pushed his hair back.
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean for any of that to happen."

Then why get drunk?

"It's okay." Louis said, which made Harry smile.

He suddenly noticed something, or- smelled something. Harry noticed his sudden silence, which made him look at him confusingly.

"Have you been smoking?" Louis questioned, and Harry immediately tensed up.

"No..." He lied, but Louis wasn't stupid. He had friends that smoked, and he knew exactly what the scent was like.

"I can smell it on you, I'm not stupid!" He yelled, which made Harry flinch a little.

"Fine I did, but what's the problem? everybody smokes." He shrugged like it wasn't a problem. Louis' blood boiled and he shook his head. Not because he was disappointed-he was, but because he was angry at fact that one of his friends was completely ruining himself. He knew it wasn't the first time, since Harry was very secretive with things.

"Yeah until they get cancer or die!"

"Then why am I still here!?"

Louis looked at him, shaking his head and taking a deep breath. Louis knew Harry was going through some stuff that he didn't understand. He didn't understand why Harry would want to destroy his body like that. He figured whatever help he was getting, wasn't doing him any good.

He had never experienced a friend in a situation like this. Nor had he ever had been in situation like this with them. He wondered what he could have done to help him in that moment.

"You're still alive because you still have a chance!. You can stop smoking, you can stop drinking and get yourself sorted ou-"

"Yeah I've heard that sentence far too many times than I can count, and yet- I'm still a mess." He cut Louis off.

Louis didnt know what else to say to him. He knew he couldn't convince him no matter how much he tried.

That night, Louis couldn't sleep. He had too many thoughts running through his mind. He drank some tea to maybe calm his thoughts, but it didn't help much. He took a warm shower and it helped a bit, but he still couldn't sleep. He so badly wanted Harry to stop doing such things to himself; But he knew there wasn't much he could do. He finally dozed off, letting his mind calm down and drifted off into sleep.

Hope you liked this chapter!.xX

Harry's JBB outfit. That's it. That's the tweet 🙌🏻

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