Chapter Twenty Three - The Beginning Of The End

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Two months later

"Have you seen my sweater? I'm almost ready to go." I called out from my room, which was nearly empty. After an entire day of packing, my body need a break from standing for so long. I sat on the cold hardwood floor, patiently waiting for a response.

"It's in here love." He yelled from the doorway, probably loading the last of my boxes into the rental car. Today is the last day of me renting this tiny apartment with Anna.

She came out of her room sniffling, wiping away a small tear that held clumps of her cheap mascara. Anna was always such a big cry baby, but I know when she really means it.

"I'm going to miss you, Dork." Her frail arms wrapped around my waist and squeezed tightly, and I hugged back. Do not cry Erin. Do not cr-

"Erin you're crying! Please tell me this is a" Lowering her voice to a whisper, she continued, "pregnant thing..? Erin Shea does not cry." wiping away one of my tears.

I turned my head to make sure he was still outside, I'm paranoid that he will find out before I tell him.

"You still haven't told him?" She half yelled, but still kept her voice down so he couldn't hear.

"I'm waiting for the right time."

"He loves you. Any time is a good time." Anna smiled, kissed me on the forehead and grabbed my hand, walking me to the front door while saying her last goodbyes.

When I stepped outside, I was met with the smiling face of my wonderful, cheery boyfriend.

"C'mon babe we're going to be late if we don't leave now. I'm sorry we have to rush, this must be so hard." He opened the car door for me, sneaking a little kiss on my way in. I know this sounds all gross and mushy-gushy, but every kiss with him feels like the first kiss.

As I buckled my seat belt, I noticed he hadn't even started the car yet, he just sat there staring at me with a huge smile. "What?" I said, subtly looking in the car mirror checking for anything he could possibly laughing at.

"I can't be happy? I'm spending 6 full months on tour with my beautiful girlfriend by my side, what's not to be excited about?" He finally started the car and put it in reverse, still a big cheeky smile plastered on his face.

Maybe because there's a cute little cinnamon bun in my oven with your name on it, I thought. My brain was going through all of the possible scenarios that could happen when I told him, which made me even more paranoid.

I could tell that he could see something was wrong, so I squeezed his hand and smiled back. "I'm super excited too."

The airport wasn't that far away, we were there within minutes, several security guards appearing upon our arrival. I learned within the short time I've dated a celebrity: whenever the security come, paps soon follow.

The repetitive clicks of high end cameras filled every crevice of the car once the guard opened my door and helped me out. I could hear the photographers shouting nasty things to me, but my mind was somewhere else.

We stood there for a while, then he finally led me to the entrance of the airport without so much as a scratch.

From there a different guard carried my bags beside me, following me through check in, then gently setting my bags down.

"Thank you." I smiled at him, patiently waiting for my boyfriend to come through the gate with his luggage. Silently, I was building up enough courage to tell him about my pregnancy, about our baby.

What I saw was unusual, he was dressed up in a crisp button up shirt while holding at least two dozen vibrant red roses. Following were the rest of the boys, and Anna, who was shaking her head with a worried but a fake smile plastered on her face. Like she was about to go up and present a 50 page slideshow on why Erin Shea is a terrible person, with pictures.

Everyone in the airport was now staring from afar, fans eagerly holding up their camera phones and recording every motion I made.

"Erin, I know, I know. This is a really terrible timing. It's just, I can't go on a single second knowing that you're not mine forever. I can't go on knowing that every morning I won't hear your cute raspy morning voice. Knowing that I can't watch you walk around everyday in your heels, or try to squeeze into those super tight jeans." He got down on one knee, getting closer and closer as his speech came to an end.

"So what I just want to know is, Erin Shea, will you marry me?" His beautiful eyes looked up at me vulnerably, then my eyes trailed to a small black box that exposed the biggest diamond I've ever seen. Both of our initials were spelled out with small diamonds, only to border the huge rock in the middle.

I could feel everyone's eyes burning a hole through me, waiting for me to respond. I need time. That's what I wanted to say.

But I can't keep dodging this forever, he deserves to know too. My mouth started moving before my brain could process what I was saying, and I could feel my eyes start to pool with water.

I've never felt so scared to lose someone in my entire life.

"I'm pregnant, Harry."


This is it guys. The last chapter of Pucker Up.

We just want to thank every single person who read, voted, or commented on this story! It has been so amazing writing this book, and we're so thankful for all of you!

Just to give me, Hannah and Madeline a break, we decided that we are going to wait this story gets 2 million reads to post the sequel. (Or until we're ready to post it!) It will give us time to write ahead, so we can have scheduled updates. Wouldn't that be nice.

In the mean time, I (mackenzie) will still be updating my book Opposite Runaways just in case you can't get enough of me. ;) And Madeline and I are writing another new book called Bruises! Keep your eyes peeled.

Also, I made a trailer we can use to promote our book while ya wait. It's pretty crappy but it will work.

Again, thank you all so much! We love you ALL!

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