Chapter Sixteen - Mistletoes for Christmas

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Special announcement at the end of the chapter!!

Also, I had no energy to make an outfit so side bar is something from tumblr


My phone rung out loudly sending me flying off my bed and straight onto my arse. "Dammit," I muttered, sitting there for a good few minutes. I allowed the phone to go to voice mail, another ding leaving the ungodly loud speaker to signal a text.

Picking up the phone was a task all it's own, my socks made me slide on the hard word floor, sending me straight back to the flying position. After six attempts, I slipped the socks off my feet and stood, going to my bed and ruffling around the duvet until my phone fell onto the mattress. The Bae as Niall had put himself as in my phone popped on the screen.

The Bae:

Hiii, Erin! Don't know if you're busy or anything today but I need a heapa help to get things set up for Louis' Party tonight. xx

I smiled crookedly at the sight of the message, and maybe this was just what I needed, to hang around with just Niall and let those feelings really ruminate and settle in.


We both know I have no plans that don't involve you and the guys. I'll be over in ten.

Shooting off the bed I ran over to my closet, a little happy that Anna was at her friends so I didn't have to stop, grabbing the first outfit I saw and throwing it one in a hurried motion. I sprayed some dry shampoo in my hair, threw on a touch of make-up and ran out the door with my heels in my hand.

Catching cabs past noon was nearly impossible, and seeing as how it had just struck one o'clock further put me on edge. I began to shake my hand frantically at each cab that past, a smile growing on my face when on pulled to a stop in front of me.

Pushing a strand of my newly purple hair out of my face, I climbed into the back seat of my car and thanked the lord that I had a random ten dollar bill in my pocket. "Harlen on second," I said, pulling my shoes onto the seat and letting out an exasperated breath, slipping them onto my feet.

The Bae:

Shit, now I gotta put on clothes.

I let out a loud laugh at the text that popped up on my phone, covering my mouth when the cab driver looked at me in the rear view with a quirked eyebrow. "Sorry, sorry." I muttered, licking over my lips and handing him the ten when he parked. "Keep the change," I muttered, half out of the car.

My idiocy didn't think ahead and when there was a crowd of fans outside the hotel they all turned to me. Half of them screamed and smiled, running up to me and the other half shouted twatty things, narrowing their eyes as I tried to pass through.

I stopped to take a few pictures with some of the girls and a handful of lads, and when I passed into the lobby I felt so damn weird. I'm not even famous, the fact that anyone would want to stop for a picture with me bewildered me.

Niall was in the lobby, jogging up to me with a smile. "Saw you outside, I was gonna come and try to help." He said quickly, wrapping his arms around me leaving a chaste kiss to my lips. Some of my red lipstick stuck on his lips, causing me to snort to leave me.

"Lets just go," I back stepped him to the elevator, hearing the fans scream for Niall. He waved, giving a motion to them before turning to me. "Here, I'm gonna go meet a few of them, take this." He handed me the key to the room, calling over Shelly and Paul before disappearing into a sea of girls.

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