Chapter Nine - Mornings & Dates

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*Erin's POV*

"Erin." I heard Niall's sweet voice whisper as he nudged me, trying to get me to wake up. I kept my eyes closed trying to act as though I was still asleep but I couldn't help but let the corners of my mouth twitch up in a smile. "Erinnnnnn." He whined, knowing that I was awake.

"Yes?" I laughed, opening my eyes and sitting up keeping the duvet over me. I gave me a cheesy grin and placed a kiss on my lips. It kind of shocked me because Niall and I haven't done much snogging just out of no where, only when it's in the moment.

"I'm hungry." He smiled, pulling back from the kiss. "for what? We ate so much last night!" I giggled, hurrying over to my dresser, before Niall could see me in only my undergarments, again. I slipped on the first things I saw, yoga pants and a tee-shirt.

"I dunno, I just want food." He said, eyeing me as I threw on the clothes. Cheeky bastard. "Well, in that case we can just go get McDonald's. Unless you want something els-" I said, shrugging my shoulders as Niall pulled off the covers and stepped out of bed.




The boy must be a Calvin Klein model or something. His body is just... Oh my. Those tight freaking boxer briefs are going to give me a heart attack. He must've saw me gawking at him because he walked over tilting up my chin.

"My eyes are up here." He scoffed, mimicking a girl getting checked out. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Just put some damn clothes on and lets go!" I smiled, walking out of the room and slipping on a pair of shoes.

"What am I supposed to wear? There's no guy clothes!" I heard him say as I struggled not to laugh. "In the back of the closet there should be a tank top and khaki shorts!" I yelled, walking into my kitchen and pulling out some juice.

"Why do you have these?" Niall asked, walking out in the clothes. I thought for a minute, why do I have those? "Ya know Niall, I'm not really sure." I said with a small laugh. The answer must've pleased him because he came over and planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Good for a second I thought you had a lad over." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I seriously think he takes classes on how to make a girl melt, Jesus. "I didn't, Niall." I said, sipping the juice.

"Good," he started, resting his chin in my shoulder. "because you're mine." He said, kissing my cheek. Did he just say that? Every one heard it right? "Huh?" I asked, turning slightly to face him. His face turned bright red and he began rambling and tripping over his words.

"I mean, I uh.... I just, I Erm, I just l- I don't know I me-" he began as I kissed him on the lips gently, shutting him up. I pulled back, the both of us smiling. "Shut up Niall." I laughed as he grinned, biting his lip.

I opened the fridge, grabbing another juice box. "Where do ya fancy going, Ni?" I asked, plopping up and sitting on the counter.

"Lets go, on a picnic!" He jumped up and down like a little kid, sometimes i think he is a little kid. I thought about it for a minute, then smiled. A picnic could be fun, especially with Mr. Horan over here.

"Sure, wanna go to the store to get some stuff?" I asked, shoving my wallet and phone into my pocket.

He did the same, and then smirked, holding the door open for me "No, but you'll see Shea." On my way out the door, Niall sneaked a peck on my cheek, making me giggle.

"Whatever Horan."


"Can I open my eyes now Niall? my eyes are getting tired of being closed!" I whined, slightly opening one eye to see Niall whistling along to the radio, acting like he didn't hear me. Finally he shut the radio off and turned towards me, I quickly closed my eye back.

"We're almost there babe, no peaking!" He smirked, maneuvering the car through what looked like grass, but I couldn't tell, I only had one eye open.

He parked the car, then got out, took all of the grocery store, and set them down on the floor, well, dirt. I got out of the car, and looked around, we were in the middle of nowhere.

"My princess-" Niall bowed, he grabbing my hand and kissed it gently, I giggled at how silly he was. When he got up I noticed how the sun was already setting, we were driving for, hours.

"My prince" I smiled, pecking his cheek, engulfing him in a hug. Once we pulled out if the embrace, he took my hand leading me off in a random direction.

We walked for about ten minutes when we came across a hill, over looking a lake. Farther off along the horizon the sun was just setting and the sky was a mixture of Orange and pink.

I stared at it in awe for a few minutes until Niall gently pulled me down to sit next to him. "I did good?" he asked nervously.

I planted a wet peck on his cheek and smiled. "Yes, you did a phenomenal job Ni." I smiled, ruffling his hair.

He pulled out some of the food and we both dug into it, clearly starved from not eating today. "Niall, you have mayo of your face." I chuckled, looking at his chin and the corner of his mouth.

"Get it offfffffff." he whined, turning his lips into a pout. "Fine ya big old baby." I teased, swiping my thumb across his chin and wiping it off.

"Is that it?" he asked looking at me as I wiped the mayo into the grass. "Nope" I said, taking my index finger and scooping the mayo out of the corner of his mouth.

I wiped it on the grass and he smiled, wrapping his arm around me and looking towards the sunset. "Ya know Shea... I really like you." He said, looking at me in the corner of his eye.

"Well what a coincidence, Horan. I like you too." I chuckled, resting my head on his shoulder.


Hey girls! (or guys idek)

ok so, i don't really want to rant or anything but.. 

we actually read the comments that you post, so please be respectful, we work hard on these chapters. As Hannah said before, its called fan FICTION, so of course a few  things are going to be un-realistic.

We added a new book, Opposite Runaways, so go check that out! I con't believe its already on the charts!

Thanks sooooo much xx 

-dedication goes to csimpsonstte for almost crying xD-

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