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In the hall with all the big wolves ( there is a event where all the big family's introduce there future leaders / alphas and there mates and they official become mate )

Lets welcome mr mew suppisit and his  mate gulf kanawat , mews parents were  confused they gave arts name bright and win just smiked seeing there faces and mew took gulf in the stage.

Mew - Hello everyone I would like to introduce my mate mr gulf kanawat our packs luna ........... Thank you everyone .

Someone stood up from the crowd and came on the stage oh my poor future luna , alpha mew did you tell your luna about your old luna tar , the mate you chose over your dear soulmate gulf .

Gulf - what are you talking about tar is just mews ex right mew

Art smirked really gulf don't tell you don't know anything , ohh poor alpha you are so stupid I thought the gulf kanawat was smart but you disappointed me ,Let me tell you everything . Alpha mew knew you were his mate from the time you were born your parents too knew you both are mates but after realising you are not a proper alpha or Omega Alpha king your father gave you too a human abusive family your real parents knew how you adopted parents treated you yet they never did anything mew knew you were thrown out then also he didn't bother to find you , you know why beacuse you are not fit to be the luna or Alpha of the kingdom ...

Gulf - what !

Art - win joined just to be close to you just in case the alpha king didn't find someone else he could have you don't think you are special or deserve love the original luna tar died that's why alpha decided to take you to be his mate poor gulf your parents don't want you , your so called brother win just stayed with you because of Alphas order not because he wanted to bright too , mew took you because he wanted you to be his second mate and if he found a better option he would have left you , you don't deserve to be our luna I do I am a Omega my family loves me I am not you I am the best luna for the kingdom not you . You gulf you are not even a proper wolf how can you be the luna of the kingdom.

Gulf didn't realise when his heart started to break and this time it wasn't a normal heart break after what he heard his emotions were destroyed , his body started feeling weird second by second he didn't understand anything .

Gulf - win bright answer me if it's true what art told me , you came close to me because of mews order not because you wanted to you all used me .

Win - calm down we can explain gulf .

Gulf - explain me what , how you broke my heart after everything I did .

Win - cried we are sorry gulf we didn't mean too .

Art was smirking widely this is what he wanted but he looked in gulfs eyes they were not normal there was something going on with gulf that no one could understand. Gulf started shouting his body started changing his face was getting darker and his eyes were completely black his hand too his neck was getting red .

Gulf -  shouted answer me win bright , mew did you do all this because you had no other option then chooseing me all those dates were fake our love confessions were planning you were making fool of me all this time answer me .

Mew - yes everything was fake in the start I had planned everything to court you to make you my mate after I lost tar but gulf my mate I truly love you.

Gulf eyes went completely black as soon as he heard everyone in hall was shocked seeing gulf in that form , his eyes were dark black his face was getting in different colour everyone was scared as hell nothing like this has ever happened to them .

Type - you hurted me now it's my turn .

Mew - please gulf listen to me please like me a chance , before mew could say anything more he saw gulf and for the first time he feared gulf .

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