♪ The dIaRy ♬

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   You turn the buttons around on the controller trying to dodge the bosses attacks. You were currently beating the last boss on Legend Of Zelda, for the fifth time. Not in that day of course, first you played Minecraft, halo, and Sims 3. Your hours slowly dripped away, until it was 4 in the afternoon and you decided on a longer game. It was now 5: 30 and you were getting antsy. With one last blow, the boss fell to the ground. In excitement you jumped up, only to realize sitting for almost 6 hours straight made your legs sore. You flinched and slowly stretched your body out, sighing. It was time to get dressed and decent.
  GaMzEe'S dIaRy:
   ToDaY wAs EvEnTfUl, I gOt (Y/n) A sMaLl BeAsT aNd InViTeD hEr oVeR. tO bE hOnEsT iT wAs QuItE dIfFiCuLt, In OrDeR tO gEt KaRkAt AwAy I tOlD hIm tHaT tErEzI fOuNd A pOrTaL, aNd WaS vIsItInG tIlL iT bRoUgHt HeR bAcK. tHiS mOrNiN i  WoKe Up To A nOtE oN mY "bEdSiDe" TaBlE. i AlSo UsEd ThAt NoTe To BaKe A pIe So It WaS gOnE...
   GamGam's normal POV:
   Preparations included buying 18 bottles of my miracle elixer, baking a few pies, showering, and cleaning up my mess. I hope she can enjoy our little night. I can only hope.

***this is as far as I can update since I'm in school right now (study hall) so enjoy. I might do a little more tonight. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°(。・ω・。)ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)( ˘ ³˘)❤ ENJOY THE PICTURE!!!!***

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