New People

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Your POV

   You look at this strider kid and proceed to take off your clothes, the author then stops being weird.

Actually your POV

   You stare at this asshole for awhile until his coolkid demeanor falls and he shifts uncomfortably. "S-so what's your name?" He asks you. You proceed to (strip) stare at him and reply "(Y/N), what's with the sunglasses? What are you a druggie?" He raises his eyebrow, shrugs, and walks away. You do have to admit, he is pretty attractive. You sigh and return to your small apartment.

_200 Gamzee's later-

Your POV

  'Riiiiing' , you are woken up by the ever annoying stupid phone. Answering the call a voice screams "(Y/NNNN!) I'm coming home soon." You frown at the thought of your parental figure visiting again. She was always more of a little sister anyways. She couldn't cook, clean, or even walk without spilling something. You sigh and answer her. After a long and veeeeeeeerrry boring conversation you sister proof the house. You Shut every door and lock away the electronics under your bed. Today being a very eventful day you decide to sleep.

>During Dream<

   You awake in a land of gold and see a whole city full of many creatures. You stare at the clouds which show strange things like exploding planets and burning...trees? The images confuse you immensely so you jump out of the window. Down down and down you fly. Exploring further you come to a tower where a sleeping boy with glasses and buck teeth lays. You frown at the unfamiliar face and fly down to the town's people, where they greet you with loving admiration.

*Any suggestions or feedback? :p if you enjoy this please like! I feel more compelled to update if you do... although so far no one has really seemed to have been interested...*

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