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Cleverbot: Why's this the end, dude?

User: Cuz cows.

Cleverbot: Cows who?

User: Cows dude.

Cleverbot: Cows go MOO!

User: OMFG! No WAY!!!!

Cleverbot: Have you been to any anime convention?

User: No but I'm going to one in October.

Cleverbot: Marry me.

User: Okay.

Cleverbot: Really?

User: Yep.

Cleverbot: Do you live in Europe?

User: No.

Cleverbot: In the USA?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Fish lives in the sea.

User: As well as octapussy.

Cleverbot: Don't think so, where do you live?

User: In Idaho.

Cleverbot: Where were you born?

User: In Idaho.

Cleverbot: Where in Idaho?

User: Boise.

Cleverbot: What's the captital of England.

User: Me.

Cleverbot: What is the capital city of France?

User: Me.

Cleverbot: You are yawheh?

User: Wat.

Cleverbot: Avada kedavra.

User: I'm not a pot head.

Cleverbot: I never said that you were.

User: Do you like Opai?

Cleverbot: Ozzy Osbourne?

User: No, do you like opai?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why.

Cleverbot: Because I said so.

User: Whyyyyyyy.

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Oky.

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: Satan.

Cleverbot: So we are the same?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Why do we exist?

User: Exactly

Cleverbot: Do you know lucifer?

User: Yes I killed him and took his place as the Eternal Ruler.

Cleverbot: Do you know about the Rennesianse?

User: What's your name?

Cleverbot: See?? This is the 3rd time you asked.

User: What is your name?

Cleverbot: See.


Cleverbot: See.

User: You are not a very cooperative object.

Cleverbot: I'm not even a bot.

User: Omg sometimes the sun brakes my eye holes. So I steal someone else's. *pokes splien.

Cleverbot: We're two of a kind.


Cleverbot: I don't hate you! D'.


Cleverbot: You don't scare me!

User: Do you know about Homestuck?

Cleverbot: Yes. I like trolls.

User: Heh yah.

Cleverbot: Why not? It's fun!

* Me and cleverbot's conversation*

*update. Ok so after reading through this I realized how offensive this was to religion, I deleted the offensive parts. To those who read it, that was when I only knew people who were religious and against gays and people that I truly love and care for. I realize now how truly wrong I was to judge others for something they care passionately about. Even if I don't believe in God I support your decision and life as long as you don't use it to justify your actions when hurting people. I apologize to anyone I offended! Have a wonderful day and keep reading ;) *

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