💵🍷Chapter 28🍷💵

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(No gif for this one)


(One Week later)

Mangle walks right back into Foxy's office holding two coffees, something lingered in her mind that she couldn't help but wonder and worry at the same time.

For now, she doesn't know what it is

and it may not be her business to know at all. Earlier on before the Morning fully started, she noticed Chica up awake way earlier, at other times she wakes up at the same time as Mangle and Foxy who leave off to work at the same time.

Mangle was just walking over to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of fresh water to soothe her slight dry throat, worrying that she might end up ill but luckily as the day went on at work she felt it go away.

Feeling a rush of relieve knowing she'll still be on her feet, as for Chica she wonders...she doesn't seem I'll but what Mangle heard from her while they were talking in the kitchen

She mentioned how she feels ill and sometimes get motion sickness along with dizziness, not only that but she told her that she'll be going to her clinic.

She didn't tell her..for what..she left her wondering which is slightly strange since Chica always tells her everything straight away at that moment but this time she didn't at all, as if it's something that Mangle shouldn't know about.

"Here you go, hot coffee." Mangle said with a small smile on her face placing it carefully on Foxy's desk, he stares down at it before giving her a thankful expression.

"Thank You, very much needed right now..what's that look on your face?" He asked with his smile dropping slightly right after asking her. "I'm just-." Mangle began fiddling her hair a little not even noticing until Foxy slightly grin at her loving her simple cute actions that he finds cute.

"Just-?" Foxy goes in raising his eyebrow as he grabbed her palm while cupping her face. "Wondering if everything is alright with Chica, she's going to the clinic isn't she?" Mangle asked giving the question that he didn't seem to want to hear right now.

"Chica eh- I'm sure she's going to be okay, everyone once in a while gets sick while working, so it's normal she'll be okay." Foxy replies in a low voice before pulling her in to her face hiding away what's eating him inside, his lips barely met hers seeming to be in thought, he Quickly ignored it before his lips met hers

Mangle kisses back with the same intensity that he's giving to her, she felt many emotions within firing around in a loop endlessly, something making her happy..and a new feeling of trusting fully.

They were shortly interrupted afterwards when one of his colleagues came over unexpectedly to notify him about some important information.

Before leaving him rolled his eyes playfully at her, she giggled right afterwards before seeing him leave away to what he must attend to.

'He's true to his words..and I think we might end up together...maybe I'll put my softness aside and see what's in store for me, fully open my eyes and give in'


It's now around Midnight, mangle has already headed off to bed now, drapped with her silk blankets dreaming away to her own dream world, everything seems so peaceful and quiet.

Meanwhile, the mood downstairs seems suspenseful and dead quiet. Foxy sat alone on the living room couch seeming to be awaiting for someone.

Specifically Chica. His fingers tapped against the detailed couch using it as his entertainment for the meanwhile. He felt guilt hit in remembering how he lied to Mangle earlier on, he just doesn't want her to find out-

For now

The fear of losing her and imagining it, hits him really hard....The fear of what faith he might go towards to and decisions make him stressful and make him overthink everything...

His thoughts were distracted when Chica appeared next to him, he realized that he was too into his mind.

"Results?" Foxy asked looking straight ahead but at the same time trying his best to seem polite and listenable for her to feel comfortable. She nodded before placing her hands over his own.

"Positive, so the tests were accurate." Chica began not noticing the expression now written on Foxy's face. "Accurate huh..." Foxy trailed off seeing as she passed him a file, he accepts and feels overwhelmed as he began to open it.

"Correct my love and not to mention all that morning sickness, so we'll be having a little us..and I hate to say this but doctors used to tell me I had a low chance of ever having a child and here I am, they told me I'm healthy and everything should go as well, pardon me for not saying this before, I can't believe it..I feel so happy." Chica expressed with a relieved and emotional face that really showed that she's happy about this, no word left Foxy's mouth

All he was able to do was bring her into a hug, his mind fought within trying his best to keep himself steady.

"That's great...my love..I'll be a father then."



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sorry for late updates..hadn't had the motivation lately..struggling with my mental health....even worst when there's no way to overcome it- even if I try- I just can't-

Anywho, I'll do my best to update for you guys......

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