🍷💵Chapter 34💵🍷

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"I'll have to step out for a moment, I'll be right back." Foxy said before leaving out the door leaving it slightly opened. Mangle watched as he drifted into the distance..eventually not to be seen anymore.

Mangle saw this as a chance, she's left alone to investigate more; she knows it could be risky of course since Foxy can appear suddenly like last time.

She won't back down this time, she's not committing a crime or anything

Is she?

She collected herself until she felt good enough to make her way to his desk. She searched around for anything that may have anything relating to Foxy's father.

Nothing seemed like it. Just important files that Foxy has been working on and reviewing. It wasn't until she saw a card...

A business like card..

but not from Foxy's company..

It Seems rather strange and it's not new by the looks of it. It does have that shine to it with some damage done to it.

She decided to flip this business card over to see what may be behind it..

What secrets may it have..

What will be revealed

Or it might just be a ordinary business card with nothing she's looking for.

What she finds is rather shocking.

A business card for murder

Hitman perhaps?

Why would someone want to do such a thing ? She asked herself feeling her blood boil. She never understood it in her life, it only angered her knowing innocent lifes are taken leaving family behind or their dreams behind

It all makes sense now...

It was planned out..

For sure...even if he wasn't behind the wheel. He was apart of this sickening plan.

He did it on purpose with no reconsidering thoughts about her parents. Someone who definitely spitefully hated her parents to get them both killed in such a horrible way.

A planned out murder. That's for sure, no doubt.

Which explains why the car drove away leaving them to die slowly after hitting the targeted individuals...

Did they do something wrong though?? They could've not..                   

They were too kind and caring, what made them earn that hate to get them both killed.

They would never make someone hate them. Or maybe they were the wrong targets.

"Why?" Mangle says slowly speaking as if she's teaching herself to speak.

Trying her best to understand why. Feeling that pounding anger come in, it felt as if the room she's currently in began to move.

Though..it isn't actually happening at all. Her vision made it seem like it, she grabbed on to her desk trying to make it go away.

Feeling distressed and all made her like this. Although it never happened like this before

All the shock must've cause this. Something she would've never figured out if it wasn't for her aunt..

but does she really want to risk herself for something her heart doesn't want to do

Since Foxy has no fault for it right..nor chica, none of them except for Foxy's father

who is to blame.

The mystery she still has to figure out is why and what were the motives for them to be killed in a horrible car accident.

This didn't make her feel any better at all, felt sicken and shocking all at once. She felt disgusted that it made gag slightly due to how she's feeling currently.

She waited in hope for her nausea to go away; she does what she usually does when she has slight panicks which works most of the time.

It finally did and she felt at peace again with that slight dizziness still present.

A familiar voice spoke breaking Mangle out of her thoughts. Mangle turned out all confused to see Chica coming in wearing a black dress that hugs her figure perfectly and some black high heels, her hair slightly curled up seeming very presentable and chic with her very expressive designer burgundy purse.

"Foxy is not present at the moment?" Chica questioned Mangle not even greeting. Mangle immediately felt her vibe, and knew something was off.

"No, not at the moment..he'll be back very soon though, maybe have a sit? Also by the way I love your dress, it really suits you." Mangle exclaimed trying to make this tension go away

Chica only smiled and gave a nod.

"What a compliment, thank you..it really does especially with my designer purse that Foxy bought for me recently and these heels, he does his best to make me happy." Chica says seeming to be directing a hint towards her which Mangle didn't seem to notice

She only felt jealousy. She knew she shouldn't feel this way..she knew how complicated it is right now..

Can she feel jealous?

"How cute and romantic, I can tell he loves you a lot...anyways will you wait for me here or-."

"I'll wait also wanted to have a chat with you, like- why not..I have the opportunity right now..why not spend it with my great friend." Chica laughed slightly her eyes landing on something

The card that Mangle is holding in her hand.

She could only furrow her eyebrows trying to figure it out.

Mangle noticed and quickly slips it inside her small pocket that's on the side of her pencil shirt.

Chica didn't question anything; instead she kept it in mind to herself for now.

Afterwards both of them had a casual conversation with no tensions at all or awkwardness.

It went smooth and natural.

It was until Chica said something that Mangle would've never imagined

"You know...we won't be the only ones anymore." Chica began sitting Foxy's seat facing Mangle who's sitting across her.

"Why's that?" Mangle questioned seeing the slight grin appearing on Chica's lips.

"There's a baby on the way...me and Foxy are going to be parents and you're going to be the aunt, isn't that exciting!?"



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