💵🍷Chapter 6🍷💵

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One Month has been completed officially, things went going all well for Mangle she got along in her New Job. A job she never expected to be at or work at, she has always thought it was impossible and just for the rich since, they're all about having business and companies to be wealthy and to be successful to be the richest kind. Foxy was relieved to have a personal assistant, his worries has gone away and he was surprised to notice Mangle's extraordinary knowledge for a woman. Not that he is being a feminist, just that it's quite surprising.

They have also become much closer than the day they met and the days that went on, they just had small talks and greets, now they talk so much and became great friends.

Foxy still tends to go with Chica out to have nice fancy dinners with her and some bars while Mangle stays nice and cozy inside the Big Luxurious Mansion all alone in her free time drinking wine red staring out at the stars gazing wondering what will be of her life.

Many thoughts run in her head. What will she do? Will she be living here forever or until she's more older? Will she find someone just like Foxy and Chica who have a nice relationship together who will soon get married who knows when they will get wedded. Mangle wonders to herself at nights if she will eventually earn enough money to buy herself her own place but, then she thinks it will be hard to let go

Since, she bonded with them like family and it will be different if she moves out. Who knows if she will have a future with someone, no guy has taken real interest in her only for only things. She too smart for that and plus after her ex who treated her bad, she feels afraid to love again.

"Mangle." Foxy called out as he fixed up his black tie, mangle who was printing paper work turned her head over to him, surprised he talks to her with such politeness unlike the others, he talks to them with strong authority sometimes he sounds mad when he calls them or checks on them. "Yes? What do you need?" Mangle said as her heels clicked on the floor walking over to his desk, Foxy's eyes glued on to her own with a smile, she smiled back as she felt that feeling again but throw it away quickly.

"Tell this person, here's the number just handle business with them while I go through what clients have sended." Foxy said giving her a small piece of paper with a number written. "Alright will do." Mangle said before grabbing it and walks off to her own desk, foxy managed to get it. She got to fix it however she wanted, she has a nice expensive working computer with so many systems and a smart device along with her own printer with some things she made her space look nice and eye catching even Foxy likes it.

Mangle typed the numbers into the office phone before starting the call handling it after it was done, mangle got up and walked over to him to let him know. "All done, everything's in place am I you're favorite worker?" Mangle giggled as she placed her hands on his desk leaning in a bit, foxy chuckled before putting his index finger on his lip.

"What kind of Question is that? Of course, you are and you know what I want to give you a raise." Foxy said with a grin, mangle chuckled as she looked over her shoulder before looking back into his cunnful eyes.

"Really? You wouldn't, I'm just here to help you out and experience a new job which I do love." Mangle said before taking a seat infront of him, luckily enough there was no one right now to come in to see Foxy. "That's good and I'm glad to have taken you in as my personal assistant, I will give you that raise." Foxy said knowing it's well deserved, mangle smiled but in her mind thinking it may not be fair to the others working here, they have worked longer than her but then again, she's a higher position than them and works almost as Foxy handling calls and with some paperwork.

They talked for awhile having a good time, until Foxy decided to ask Mangle if she would like to go out with him for a Coffee. "Hey, want to grab a Coffee at a nearby shop, it's a well coffee shop with so many options of how you want it." Foxy said Surprising Mangle, he has never asked her to go out with him it wa just something new. Mangle fiddled her fingers before answering.

"Sure, let's go." Mangle said Foxy smiled at her acceptance, from there they fleeded away to the coffee shop around the corner. They got stares since, they knew they were from a Company and how they were dressed. Some gave them dirty stares thinking how they must be greedy and snobby kind, mangle was like that before but, she realized one of them isn't. Foxy is sweet and friendly, he spends his money wisely and has a smart mind.

"And for you?" The One taking their orders at the table Mangle and Foxy sat outside of the coffee shop, the type of table with an umbrella covering them from the sun. Mangle thought before opening her mouth. "The same." She chuckled the truth is she wasn't really a coffee person so, she didn't really know much

They chatted sometimes until they got their coffee's. "It's been a month now that we met." Mangle said suddenly with a sigh as she put her coffee mug down which consisted of caramel flavor with whipped cream on the top with some chocolate chips

"It has and I'm grateful to have met you back at the bar." Foxy said remembering and thinking how time went by quickly in just a matter of days. "Thanks for everything Foxy, this would've not been possible without you, my aunt was really a bad guardian to have, now I'm stabled and have a Well Job." Mangle said with a sweet tender smile, foxy nodded as suddenly he placed his hand on her

She looked up to look into his eyes, she felt that feeling again but, knew it's just something that couldn't happen. "I'm glad, hey when would you like to go to the bar with me one day again?" Foxy asked Surprising Mangle, mangle titled her head a bit wondering so much

"To the bar? I don't know." Mangle said with honestly knowing that this could lead to something bad especially with him having a fiancee, she wants to be respectful and not ruin anything between them. "Come on now, a friend day nothing bad can possibly happen, is that what worries you." Foxy said putting his fist underneath his neck supporting himself on the table

Mangle looked down for a bit before speaking. "W-well, I-I hmm I accept but, will Chica feel comfortable with that?" Mangle said not helping but spill it out. "She will be fine about it and plus she has an event that day we will head out so she won't be home at that time plus you need to go out and have fun, can't be stuck up all day inside you're room." Foxy said making her feel good about this

Just a friend day right? Nothing special like a date...Mangle thought in her thoughts as she ran her hand through her hair being smart enough to hide her emotions. from there, they went back to work to work some more before heading back home to see Chica once again having dinner ready.


Thanks for reading lads and lasses all of kind! :) This is just getting started as you can see😈

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Peace out!

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