🍷💵Chapter 38💵🍷

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"What's that look on your face, whatever it is...I don't like the looks of it, my dear." Chica pouted as she poured herself some tea from this fancy Pot with flower designs all around it.

A pot giften to her from her Mother, something special that she keeps with her and something she also uses when she pleases especially now it's recommended for her to drink some tea, some specific teas though.

"Everything is fine my dear, no need to worry about me and you shouldn't especially in your current state, we don't want anything wrong to happen to you nor our child." Foxy reassured with a lie hidden inside him

In truth this only triggered him, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep knowing the current situation.

Sure he's a man of so much money but to know of this case...he has to solve it or else it might happen again

He can't just let it slide off and replace the money, he must find out the suspect and confront them for their wrongful illegal doing.

He will do whatever it takes.

Sure it has to be someone who's apart of the company..sure but who, out of all of them

But then again him and possibly Mangle since she's his assistant, being much closer to him and overseeing his stuff whenever he asks her too

That's what she is..

A personal assistant. Could be possible


"You think you're going to trick me my beloved? Be honest, what's on your mind? I can really tell just like how you can tell my own emotions, so say it my dear." Chica said before sipping some of her tea, soothing out her throat giving her such a nice feeling of having something to ease her.

"Well something happened, it has to do with money." Foxy began as he sat next to her on the bed watching her lean now close to his face signaling with her head with a nod for him to continue on.

"And well- money has been taken out from the funds, important money as you know making it drop down dramatically, and I have no clue on who it could be and it only worries me since it could occur again, my company could be in danger with this individual." Foxy explained finally his face said it all, he only seemed stressed out and worn out

Chica sighed out feeling sympathy for him putting aside her jealous felt emotions, she snuggles her head against his chest with a light smile.

"That's new..it sure has never happened before my dear, I'm sorry to hear that, you surely don't deserve it you're a really hard working man tiring yourself out, who would do such a thing to you." Chica said in a low but yet comforting voice

"I know..who would, it could've been hacking or someone else who knew the code other than me, I don't want to make assumptions, I want to handle this without a fight..I can't ruin my reputation either or else I'm done for." Foxy said as he pulled in the blanket for both of them to sleep under with.

"Well you know could be someone your close with and also it's impossible for someone to hack you, first of all you have one of the highest security systems and second this has never occured before, why now? When such strange things are occuring..with mangle, don't you think?" Chica began feeling her jealously self coming back again knowing this could be Mangle's downfall without her needing to do something

Foxy hearing this made him go quiet, he only looked down at his hands before laying himself down followed by Chica who did the same placing her hands on her stomach, seeming to be cradling it with no bump in view.

"Ill just leave it there for now, it's now about time to sleep and you should get some rest too, I'll be on it tomorrow for now let's sleep." Foxy said as he moved his hand up slowly to brush chicas hair away from her face, she giggled softly before snuggling her nose against him

He gave a small smile before kissing her hand, from there as time went by

The clock ticking, both of them were sleeping peacefully.

Meanwhile mangle sat near her opened window staring out into the starry night sky, she couldn't sleep

Knowing what she did. It was for the best right?

Is she weak for not doing something else?

Why is she letting herself do such things?

Is this all a trap?

But then again no doubt..she saw the business card, maybe confrontation is all but she won't bring Foxy down

And his life by doing extreme things

She couldn't

She can't sleep knowing her parents were killed by his father, it only made her range

Also wanting answers


"So what your telling me, money had dropped drastically?" Mangle spoked out pretending to know that it wasn't her that did it.

Foxy only nodded as he paced around.

"It has and yet I have no clue about anything or who it was, do you maybe know something?" Foxy asked stopping in his tracks, placing his hand on her table

Making eye contact with her. She could feel her legs tremble, if she were to be honest

She felt hostage at this moment. She only did her best by giving him a apologetic and confused expression.

To convince him.

"I don't, I didn't even notice...if I knew something I would've noticed you immediately." Mangle responded with a nod hoping it's convincing enough to not seem suspicious of anything.

Foxy only nodded slowly before trailing his eyes to her lips then back to her face, remembering the event from last night.

"Also forgive me about last night..I guess its official then- but you know we ca-."

"There's none of that, forget about us we're friends once again, your future is destined already..you will soon be married and you'll have a son or daughter who will fulfill your happiness, don't mess up..mine is not and it's not with you..it's clear." Mangle reminded him sharply not wanting to hear no more of him restraining him from his present destiny

"Yes..I understand. "


"So this is the truth, the secrets that were never unfolded until now..the power that I have...could end her and I'll have my wish."

Purple violet eyes gleamed with a spark of revengeful eyes.




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