🍷💵Chapter 30💵🍷

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I have nothing to say honestly-

Just go ahead and scroll down to began


(Previously on Chapter 30)

"I'll be back, I'm going to go somewhere really important, you'll be fine alone right?" He asked trying to read her face, she nodded with a reassuring smile placing her hand on the side of his face.

"I'll be fine, don't worry..you should be worried about bonnie though, he's a mess." Mangle chuckled remembering earlier on seeing bonnie dropping a pile of papers making a mess.

"Right." Foxy laughed knowing he's actually disappointed about that. "I'll see you after I get back, be a good girl will you."

With that he left in a rush to Chica's appointment.


Well.....well..don't you see the perfect opportunity...yet you have no idea

Amber Golden yellow eyes ponder down to a bright screen, she didn't seem to have any expression on her
Except for a frown...

She immediately deleted the message that she has been sended.

Mangle sat there in her loneliness quietly, taking advantage of her break

Resting and daydreaming about Foxy, she couldn't stop remembering their recent conversations that made her happy, it gave her a bigger belief that he means it..he really does want to be with her

But the issue is...chica..she couldn't.

it's not fair to take something that isn't yours.

Even if you want it so bad..

What made her remember more was the events that occured a week ago, the way his lips connected to her own his fingers tangling with her hair making sure to not miss a spot, making love to her passionately till midnight.

Mangle stayed in her bed sleeping still once the sun began to rise, at that exact time Foxy was the first to get up, he only smiled at the sight of her peacefully sleeping

He only hoped that she's only having good dreams. That's how he wants her life to feel like, nothing but positivity and no negativity.

His lips pecked the side of her face before heading away to get ready for work, to his luck Chica was still out at her business trip so there wouldn't be any questioning.

That same following morning, they had breakfast together. Of course Foxy cooked up the breakfast, something that he doesn't really do since Chica is the one who cooks up breakfast and dinner.

Mangle was still surprised by his delicious cooking, the fine scrambled eggs completed with a side of orange juice and crispy well done bacon, and fluffy mini pancakes with cream and blueberries on atop.

They both enjoyed their breakfast together while having a good and nice laugh together, it lasted for a while since both soon had to head over to work.

"Mangle?" A voice was heard from behind the door, bringing Mangle back to reality.

She gets up from her office chair and walks her way towards the door to see who it is.

She sees Bonnie holding some paperwork, he seemed to look around the room as if he's looking for something.

Mangle's only guess is that maybe he's searching for Foxy who has left not so long ago.

He should be back right now? Right?

"Are you in need of help?" Mangle questioned getting puzzled by Bonnie's still searching eyes not saying anything.

Okay.....I guess he really does have a problem..mangle told herself now nervously looking at him tilting her head slightly.

He realized and quickly apologized.

"Oh my goodness, was I spaced out for that long?" Bonnie spoke with such quickness. Mangle only nodded giving him a small awkward chuckle.

"Yeah...I thought we lost you haha..." Mangle trailed off still chuckling, bonnie laughed along before getting himself back together.

For Mangle it was such a relieve. She's not a fan of awkwardness.

"So...is Mr. Hooks present?" He asked with a slight grin on his lips. "Foxy? No he isn't anywhere around at this moment, he went somewhere..which I have no clue of." Mangle began seeing bonnie nod in realization

How didn't he realize his bosses leave, he tends to see him walk pass him all the time but this time he didn't.

"Somewhere eh? I see..and you refer him to only Foxy? Hmm- you know something seems very obvious about you two, that I have noticed." Bonnie began with a slight smirk, Mangle's eyes widen for a moment wondering

If he found out somehow-

It's not possible right...

"That we're very good close best friends?" Mangle says putting her best act there to seem casual about it.

He seemed baffled by this and shooked his head.

"Your best friend? Hmm..from what I remember..Mr. hooks is my best friend not yours sugar cube, it's not that... just something about you two." Bonnie spoked with seriousness in his voice getting close to her face

'Great' she mentally screamed inside wondering what else she can say- does he really know? Did something tell him?

Her heart racing thoughts were gone once she heard such laughter. Bonnie was laughing at her reaction.

"I'm just kidding- I'm such a jokester ain't I? Anywho when's that wedding coming up? Any idea?" Bonnie asked awaiting for an answer. For what he knows right now is that he's going to be Foxy's best man at the wedding.

"Yeah- you sure are..hehe." Mangle said half spooked out. "And I have no idea, anytime soon and I can't wait to see him get married."

Deep down it hurts her

Half of her...Hope's that he drops the wedding..

Seems selfish but she longs for him more than ever


"The baby is all well, take prenatal vitamins it's recommended and really try to rest, and eat nutritious foods."

Chica and Foxy listened carefully to the doctor who then gave them more information about their unborn child.

It didn't take long for them to leave, chica felt the greedy need to press her head against his shoulder as they walk.

"We should be getting married by this month now, our love will be sealed and the three of us will live happy with auntie Mangle, I decided already by the way." Chica giggled slightly seeing Foxy smile at her.

"I agree, and she'll definitely love him or her very much." Foxy affirmed knowing deep down how Mangle will react...

He has to tell her anytime soon..right?


Until next time!

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