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After the class ended, Jimin left without any words and headed towards his friend...
I saw that a girl with long brown hair approached me in a harsh tone..
"Oh our newcomer is such a nerd, look at her... Guys she would be of fun for tonight... Just wait for how we ruin you"
With these words, others including Jimin started to laugh... But it wasn't a matter of joke for me... those words really gave me chills and I was way too scared....

To be honest I kind of expected it that I would not get along with anybody because of my nerdy personality, but I thought that maybe I would make some friends, (or maybe I would get some people to atleast talk)...
The hostel was just adjacent to the college, so after the classes I was very much tired because I didn't even get anytime for rest after reaching the hostel...
I took the keys of my room oops sorry "our" room and then started walking in the corridor of the ground floor where the room was located... I could feel that everyone else in the corridor was joking and making fun about me but I didn't care as it wasn't worth caring...
I quickly switched on the lights only to see the same sight again... But this time I closed the door as I didn't intend to fight with him and make a scene in front of others.... So I asked him calmly,
Misa : Listen Jimin, you can smoke it's your right but can you please do it in some other place because I have some issues and I don't like the smoke...
And moreover, I need some rest as it was a very tiring day for me...
Jimin : Who do you think you are?? I am gonna smoke here only and never ask me for such stupid wishes... Do whatever you want... You wanna rest? Fine then you can rest why are you just bothering me...
Misa : Fine! Do whatever the heck you want!!

I was just furious but I knew that I couldn't show it for my sake... To be honest I never would have asked this if it wasn't for my health... So, I was having a temporary lung congestion for which the smoke wasn't good...
But I just kept mum as I went into the washroom and changed into more comfortable clothes, (a black hoodie and white joggers)... And I took two puffs from my inhaler as I didn't wanted anyone to know about my weakness...

I quietly came out of the washroom and landed my body on the soft matress and within no time I was fast asleep... It was a peaceful sleep...
Suddenly, a loud scream made me wake up from my dreamland and back to reality....
I found no one in my room and immediately rushed outside only to see that the drama had already begun... A group of students were bullying some students...
I quietly started closing my door where I was pulled out by a veiny hand and the force was too strong for me to hold back...
It was Jimin with some other students... And I was pretty sure that now it was the time for which I was scared the most...
I stepped back which made the students smirk...
Everyone started laughing and making jokes and I was pushed by some girls.. And I could feel that now I was the centre of attraction...
Everyone started cheering for Jimin who was giving me a death stare and was walking towards me I stepped back until my back hit the wall...
He did nothing but lit a cigarette and told me to smoke it...
Jimin : You are literally so annoying...!
Guys!!!! She is the one who was being the annoying ass today...
Misa : I can't
Jimin : Do you think you own this place? No mannn, you have to do what we say.... It's a very simple punishment though... Just do what we say and we let you go....
Misa : I really can't... I am sorry...

The smoke was already getting my painful side up... But I was trying hard not to cough... But within no time, Jimin put the cigarette into my lips which made me cough hard... And I fell on the ground eventually hitting my arm and the cigarette fell on the ground too... My breath was shortening, and I could feel that my chest was congested... I could hardly breathe, without thinking for another second I took my inhaler from my pocket and quickly took some puffs...
I could feel their faces... Jimin was now looking as if he was sorry but I was so mad at him that I ran with all my might and locked the door behind me after entering my room not caring about Jimin who was calling out my name and was asking me to stop (but this time with a calming and soothing tone)...
I could feel tears rolling down from my eyes and slowly flushing my cheeks, I sat on my bed and hugged my knees when I buried my face in my knees...
I was crying my eyes out when a sudden thud made my eyes look at the door...

The door swung open only to reveal Jimin with a worried expression...

Jimin : I.. I... I am.. - Sorry...
Misa : Just don't talk to me...
Jimin : I didn't know that you have some health issues...
Misa : Why do you even care dude?!?! Whether I die or live it doesn't matter....

Jimin's pov:
We always used to make fun of others but only for entertainment purpose... But I didn't think that Misa was having health issues... I immediately regretted my decision but Misa ran faster... And she locked the door... But as it was my room too I have another key... I just wanted her to be okay... I really didn't meant to hurt her... My heart was pounding against my chest as I opened the door as I see Misa's sleeping figure sobbing on her bed... I immediately closed the door to prevent rumours

Jimin : I am really sorry, I didn't meant to hurt you like that...
Misa : Huh, you just wanted to make me suffer right!?!

Jimin stood there as his eyebrows furrowed in a worried expression... He came near me and embraced me into a warm hug... I tried to push him away but he was holding on me so tight that it was nearly impossible to get out of his embrace.... To be honest it was comfortable, it felt like he was really worried and I was relieved...
I stopped crying and slowly pulled away from him....

Misa : Please don't do this to anyone... Anyone may have such diseases and it's common...
Jimin : Yeah it's not gonna happen in future...
Misa : Thanks... And it's okay....

He stood up from my bed and gave me some water to drink....
I sipped through the water and took my sleeping pills as I thought sleeping would be better... He was in a black tee and grey sweatpants, he switched off the lights and landed himself on his bed...
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep...





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