Chapter 3:Training

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So,we went to an open field right outside the castle,it was a wide field filled with grass and the occasional flower patch here and there,this world just coudn't get anymore beautiful can't it?

"First I need you to learn how to ride a dragon,that's basic,so I guess it'll be quick here like this"Then,Kaida got an amulet and it called a dragon,it was Green in color with several brown patches on it's body it had striking blue eyes,and a slender body.

"This is Ryuu a good friend of mine"Kaida said,patting him on the head

Then she demonstrated how to fly by getting onto his back right before his wings and at the back of his necks.

"It's all about trust"Kaida said.

I looked at Ruby who looked back at me,and Ruby gave a nod which,I think meant that she agreed.

"So you do this then....aaah!"I said falling off of Ruby's back,embarrasing myself.

"No like this,silly,you put your leg ontop of one of their hindlegs then grab hold of the neck and hoist yourself up,like this."Kaida said,making it look so easy.

After several minutes of trying,falling,and failing I eventually got it perfect,when I looked,Ryuu fell asleep and Kaida was there laughing.

"Come on,it's sunset,if we stay late it won't end well so come on!"Kaida said.

So Kaida woke up Ryuu and showing off I rode on Ruby going back to the castle,it felt different riding a dragon,it was'nt like an ox or a horse.After walking,we eventually reached the castle and Kaida showed me where to place the dragons,and we went to a room and Kaida said this is where we would sleep,I was about to sleep when Kaida said

"Wait,your not eating?"Kaida said

"Oh,I forgot heh when is dinner?"I asked

"Dinner will be in a few hours,til then I wanna show you around the castle"

So Kaida showed me around the entire castle,it was larger than I expected,there were so many rooms!I mean the biggest house I have ever seen has only three rooms!She showed me where their dragons stayed,the stables for the dragons actually took up majority of the space,then Kaida showed me the Library,again it was massive and amazing.

"Here you should read this book,it'll help you later on"Kaida said.

She got a massive book and laid it on the table,the title read:Dragons,and Everything About Them
Kaida left because she said her father called her and I got to work.

The book was all about Dragon caring,grooming,taming,riding,battling,and many more!I had gotten through the entire book by the time Kaida called me for dinner.When I had gotten to the place where we would eat,I had not realized how hungry I was.

"Tonight,it is Seatramps!Caught by our good friends the Water Dragons!"Kaida's father said.

The Aroma was perfect!When I first took a bite,I can't tell you how amazing it tasted.I ate for about fiftenn if not more minutes,consuming three Seatramps,suprisingly Kaida and her father also ate three.I was stuffed by the time I finished eating,and Kaida said it would be time to sleep now so we went to the bedrooms and I fell asleep as soon as I got to the bed.

(At Dawn)

"Artemis!Wake up!Come on,time to train!Ruby's waiting for you!"Kaida said on my ear.

I immediately had woken up,and gotten off bed,I skipped breakfast because I was too full to eat more.We went to the exact same field,but it looked as amazing as ever,because of the fresh sun rays.I caught Ryuu and Ruby playing around in the grass like little kids,it had made me remember Aeron,and I both smiled and teared up.

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