1) praises for their new professors

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In the Nair household, the sun had just begun to peek over the horizon. Pooja, an early riser, wasted no time. She knew that her younger brother, Karan, would be unhappy if he missed their daily morning run. Determined not to face his crankiness, she ventured into his room, bracing herself for the impending lecture on her audacity to consider running without him.

(The Process of Waking Up Karan - It Might Get Messy)

"Karan," Pooja says, "it's time to wake up."

"Five more minutes, Akka," he mumbled, resisting the pull of consciousness.

Desperate to coax him out of bed, Pooja tried another approach. "Atta has made your favourite dish," she teased.

Karan's eyes flickered open, a glimmer of enthusiasm breaking through his drowsiness. "Atta loves me so much," he chuckled, "but still, Akka, five more minutes."

Pooja wasn't about to give up. "Do you want me to go on a run by myself, then?"

Karan's eyes widened with alarm. "Nooooooo!"

"That means you have to get up," she declared with a triumphant smile.

"Fine!" Karan surrendered.

(Downstairs After Karan Gets Ready)

As they descended the stairs, Pooja couldn't resist a playful taunt. "Look at the good boy. He always listens to his Akka."

Prajakata, their wise and observant aunt, chimed in. "Of course, he listens to you most of the time, Pooja. You're the only one he listens to."

Pooja acknowledged the truth in Prajakata's words with a nod. "Okay, Atta, Karan and I will go on a run. We'll be back soon."

Prajakata's concern lingered. "When will you eat?"

"After we get back," Pooja reassured her, ushering Karan toward the door. "Come on, Karan."

During their morning run, Pooja couldn't resist engaging Karan in conversation.

"So," she panted, "you haven't told me about your university recently. I really want to know what's happening. Please tell me."

Karan, jogging alongside her, finally found his breath. "Actually, two days ago, our professor changed."

"Oh, really?" Pooja inquired. "Is it a male or female?"

Karan gave her a quizzical look but continued, "It's a male. His name is Arjun. All the girls in my class are drooling over him."

Pooja couldn't help but find it amusing. "Okay, that's interesting."

Karan added, "The best part is I'm his best and favourite student."

"That's great, Karan!" Pooja exclaimed, genuinely pleased for her brother.

Karan continued, "Yeah, it's pretty good. He gives some extra lessons on Thursdays, but he helps me on other days too. I think some of the girls are jealous."

Their laughter echoed through the morning air as they completed their run and returned home to savour a well-deserved breakfast.

In the Patel household, a new day had dawned. Arjun, a diligent older brother, knew that his morning routine included waking up his beloved sister, Tanvi. He entered her room, prepared for the inevitable effort to coax her out of bed.

(How Arjun Wakes Tanvi Up)

"Tanvi," Arjun said gently, "it's time to get up."

Tanvi groaned, burying her face deeper into her pillow. "I don't want to wake up now, Annayya."

Arjun tried a persuasive approach. "If you're my dearest sister, you'll get up now."

Tanvi conceded with a smile. "Five minutes, Annayya."

Arjun seized the opportunity to motivate her further. "Peddamma made your favourite food, and I was planning on getting you an ice cream before I dropped you off."

Tanvi's smile widened. "Fine, I'll get dressed and come downstairs in 20 minutes."


As Arjun descended the stairs, Bhavi, their aunt, couldn't help but comment, "You pamper her too much, Arjun."

Arjun responded with heartfelt sincerity, "I know, Peddamma. Ever since Amma and Dad passed away, she's been my world. She only knew one thing - something happened to her parents, and she only has me. At least I have memories of Mum and Dad; she doesn't even have that. I'll try to make her the happiest person on the planet as long as I live."

Bhavi's heart warmed at Arjun's dedication. "What about us then?"

Arjun reassured her, "Peddamma, we love you as well. For me, it's you guys after Tanvi, but ever since that accident, she has and will always be my world."

(During Breakfast)

Tanvi shared the exciting news with her brother, "You know, Annayya, we got a new professor two days ago."

Arjun was intrigued, "Really? That's nice."

Tanvi added with enthusiasm, "Yeah, she's really sweet. Her name is Pooja."

Arjun's memory was jogged. "Pooja? I feel like I've heard that name before."

Tanvi clarified, "You know Karan, right? He's in your class. It's his older sister."

Arjun recalled the connection. "I remember now. He did mention the name Pooja before."

And so, the lives of the Nair and Patel siblings unfolded in a world filled with morning rituals, family bonds, and the intriguing connections of university life.

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