2) goofing around and reminders

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One sunny morning in the Patel household, Arjun had left his phone casually on the side table in his room. Unbeknownst to him, his mischievous sister, Tanvi, entered his room for something she needed but couldn't resist the temptation of his phone. Swiftly, she acquired what she sought and seized her brother's phone, sliding it stealthily into her bag to keep him guessing.

As Arjun strolled out of his room, he was puzzled. "Peddamma, do you know where my phone is? I left it on my side table, and now it's not there."

Bhavi, their ever-observant aunt, responded with a sly smile, "I'm not sure, Arjun. Why don't you check again?"

Arjun's frustration grew as he whined, "I already checked twice!"

Noticing the opportunity to stir the pot a bit, Bhavi suggested, "Mī sōdarini enduku aḍagakūḍadu (why don't you ask your sister)?"

Turning to Tanvi, who had settled on the sofa, Arjun inquired, "Tanvi, where is my phone?"

"I don't know, Arj," Tanvi replied with an innocent expression.

Arjun's tone grew sterner. "Tanvi, don't lie to me."

"I'm not lying," Tanvi retorted, looking at her brother defiantly.

Determined to solve the mystery, Arjun demanded, "Tanvi, show me your bag."

Tanvi hesitated for a moment before firmly refusing, "No!" She swiftly picked up her bag and prepared to make a run for it.

Arjun was not one to be outdone. "Tanvi!" he exclaimed, chasing his sister around the house.

Their pursuit led them to the rooftop, where Tanvi's options dwindled. Cornered by her persistent brother, she finally relented. "Tanvi, can I have my phone back? I have some very important stuff on there."

Curiosity piqued, Tanvi couldn't help but ask, "Like what?"

"Damn it, Tanvi!" Arjun exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice. "You know I don't lie to you. Why do you ask such questions?"

Tanvi, feeling a bit hurt that her brother was keeping secrets, countered, "You don't normally keep secrets either!"

Realizing that he needed to be honest, Arjun sighed, "Firstly, I have contacts of family and friends. Secondly, photos of us and our family. Thirdly, files for the university, and finally, photos of Amma and Nānna (mum and dad)."

The mention of their parents sparked Tanvi's interest. "You have photos of Amma and Nānna?"

Arjun nodded solemnly. "Yes, I do. Do you want to see them?"

Tanvi eagerly agreed, and Arjun promised, "If you give me my phone, I'll show you them."

Without hesitation, Tanvi retrieved her brother's phone and handed it over. Arjun took it gratefully and began to share the cherished photos with his sister.

"You look more like Nānna," Arjun remarked as they gazed at the images.

"And you look more like amma," Tanvi observed.

Arjun smiled warmly. "Yeah, a lot of people say I do."

Overwhelmed by her brother's kindness and their shared memories, Tanvi hugged him tightly. "Sorry, I took your phone."

Arjun returned the embrace, reassuring her, "It's okay, you didn't know."

In this touching moment, the bond between the Patel siblings grew even stronger, fortified by shared memories of their parents and a newfound appreciation for the family that remained.

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