7) mesmerised

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Hey guys. You might be thinking what kind of chapter name is that? I would love to tell you but it would be better if you read and find out for yourselves

Pooja bid farewell to her brother Karan and his friend Aditya in the quiet ambiance of the library, promising to bring a special meal for Aditya the next day. As she made her way back to her car, she was greeted by the familiar face of her friend Lilly, who had come to the university that day.

Lilly, with a playful hint of sarcasm, quipped, "Pooja, are you just going to stand there and stare at me, or are you going to say something?"

Shaking herself out of her thoughts, Pooja responded, "Oh hey, Lilly. I was just thinking I didn't notice you."

Lilly raised an eyebrow. "Clearly 😏. Anyway, what are you thinking about?"

Pooja sighed and confessed, "I came to give Chinni (Karan) his lunch. While I was looking for him, I bumped into one of the lecturers and nearly fell down. He held onto my arm, making sure I didn't fall, but I got angry at him and shouted at the poor guy," she recounted, speaking rapidly and flustered.

Lilly, with a knowing smile, speculated, "And I'm going to guess you feel bad, and the guy is probably the best-looking lecturer in the uni."

Pooja nodded in surprise. "How the hell did you know the second part?"

Lilly chuckled. "Lucky guess, plus he's the only lecturer who would be on anyone's mind."

Checking her watch, Pooja realized that she was running slightly late. "It was nice seeing you, Lilly, but I have to go."

Lilly offered a parting remark, "Okay, bye! Remember to drive safely!"

(Inside Arjun's Classroom)

Arjun couldn't help but be consumed by thoughts of the mysterious woman he had encountered earlier. He found himself distracted, pondering her and the inexplicable effect she had on him.

Just as he was lost in contemplation, Lilly walked into the classroom and broke his reverie. She asked, "Yo, Arjun, can you answer a few of my questions?"

Shaking himself out of his thoughts, Arjun replied, "Sure, my students won't be arriving for a while. What is it?"

Lilly inquired, "Uh, I was talking to my friend a minute ago; she came to drop something off. She said that you helped her. Why?"

Arjun, a bit bewildered by the question, responded, "What kind of question is that? I helped because she was about to fall down, and it was because of me she was going to fall."

"So you helped because it was the right thing to do?" Lilly prodded.

Arjun, with a hint of exasperation, said, "Yes, Dumbo," and then, after checking his watch, continued, "Since you are here, can you hand out these sheets? After you finish, I think you know where the door is."

(Just before the Start of the Lesson)

Karan entered the classroom, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he decided to tease his teacher. He couldn't help but notice that Arjun seemed a bit lost in thought.

Karan, in a teasing tone, remarked, "Sir, who is the lucky girl you're thinking about?"

Arjun, taken aback, responded with surprise, "Karan, what kind of question are you asking?"

Karan, sensing an opportunity, pressed on, "Sorry, sir, I just thought of teasing you. But why did you get so defensive when I mentioned a girl?"

Arjun, still grappling with his own thoughts, replied in a contemplative manner, "Not sure, K, but that's what I want to know."

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