4) off to work

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hey guys. hope you liked the story so far.

a picture of Leah

Pooja and Karan's cousin

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Pooja and Karan's cousin


The Nair Household:

The Nair household awakened to the soft rays of the morning sun gently piercing through the curtains. Pooja and Karan, two lively siblings, had just returned from their morning run. Their curiosity brimming, they ventured into their cousin Leah's room, where a mischievous plan brewed in their minds.

"Is Leah awake yet?" Karan inquired of their Aunt Prajakata.

"No," Prajakata replied with a knowing smile. "You guys should probably wake her up."

The two siblings exchanged glances and tiptoed into Leah's room, their intentions concealed behind playful grins. Pooja initiated the countdown.

"1...2...3," she whispered, the excitement in her voice palpable.

With synchronized precision, they counted to ten and then, in unison, shouted, "YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK!"

Leah jolted awake, a mixture of shock and confusion on her face, while Pooja and Karan couldn't contain their laughter.

"Why did you do that?" Leah asked, pouting as she rubbed her eyes.

Karan chuckled. "For no reason, really. We just wanted to have a bit of fun. We're sorry. Now that you're up, get ready and come downstairs; breakfast is ready."

"Fine!" Leah grumbled and stomped off into her bathroom.

Leaving Leah to her morning routine, Pooja and Karan headed downstairs to enjoy breakfast. After finishing their meal, they made a quick trip upstairs to collect their bags and prepare for the day ahead. Karan glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave.

He approached the stairs and called out, "Akka! Leah! It's time to go; come downstairs!"

In unison, the girls responded, "Coming!!!"

The trio made their way to Karan's university, engaging in conversation along the journey. Upon arrival, Karan exchanged high-fives with Leah and planted a loving kiss on Pooja's forehead before stepping out of the car.

Leah and Pooja continued on to Pooja's university, with Leah working nearby. Once they reached their destination, the two cousins disembarked and strolled towards the university gate.

The Patel Household:

Around glanced at his watch, a hint of urgency in his voice as he exclaimed, "If we don't leave now, we're going to be late, and I have a full day of lectures."

Tanvi and Arjun hurriedly made their way to the car and departed from their home. As they drove towards the university, Arjun broached a subject that had been on his mind.

"What's the actual reason you don't like Lisa?" he inquired.

Tanvi's frustration flared, and she replied, "Because she thinks she owns everything, even you! She argues with me for no reason and accuses me of taking her stuff when I'm just reclaiming my belongings!"

Arjun nodded, absorbing this revelation. After a brief pause, he continued, "I didn't even realize there was such a significant reason behind your dislike. How did you find out that she likes... loves me?"

Tanvi sighed, her annoyance fading slightly. "It's written all over her face when she talks to you or is near you. I also asked her before she left for London."

Arjun looked surprised. "You said I keep secrets, and you've kept this from me for a year and a half!"

"I know, but Lisa made me promise not to tell you," Tanvi explained.

Arjun questioned, "Why did you tell me now, then?"

A hint of humor danced in Tanvi's eyes as she replied, "Well, I was mad at our uncle for asking you to pick her up, and it accidentally slipped out."

"Okay, we've arrived at your university. Have a good day!" Arjun said with a smile.

"I will, until we have to pick up that devil," Tanvi responded, her tone laced with exasperation.

Arjun chuckled. "I'll try to forget that so I don't tell Lisa; otherwise, you're going to be in trouble!"

As Tanvi prepared to exit the car, the siblings exchanged a high-five. After dropping his beloved sister at her university, Arjun hurried off to work, leaving behind the morning's shared laughter.

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