6) the unexpected happens

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Pooja had a singular mission in mind as she briskly climbed into her car and set off for her brother Karan's university. The thought of delivering his forgotten lunch and promptly returning to her work consumed her, causing her to pay scant attention to the world outside. Lost in her thoughts, she unintentionally collided with another person, one who was just as preoccupied and hurried as she was. This abrupt encounter resulted in a stumble and a near-fall, had it not been for a swift hand reaching out to steady her.

But Pooja, with her eyes tightly shut in anticipation of a tumble, had no idea who had come to her rescue. While she felt a sliver of gratitude, she couldn't shake off a tinge of annoyance at the audacity of someone touching her without permission.

Their dialogue unfolded as follows:

Pooja: "Why did you touch me, mister? I didn't ask for your help. 😬"

Arjun: "Well, we bumped into each other, and it would have been rude if I let you fall, so I caught you. 😰"

Pooja: "So that's your explanation. I don't believe you! 😠"

Arjun: "So I'm telling a lie now? 😡"

Pooja: "Well, I think you are! 😤"

Arjun: "Well, I'm sorry, Madame... 😬"

Pooja: "It's Pooja. 😥"

Arjun: "Well, I'm sorry for touching you, Poojaji, and if you think I caught you because I think you are beautiful, I'm sorry I didn't. And just for the record, loads of females in this college have crushes or are in love with me, and I rejected many of them. 😥"

Pooja (under her breath): "Vedhava. 😬"

Arjun: "Did you just call me a Vedhava? 😡"

Pooja: "Yeah, so?"

Arjun: "Because I may be forgetful sometimes, but I am not an idiot for sure. 😡"

Pooja: "You sure... wait a minute, you're Telugu? 😮"

Arjun: "That doesn't matter right now, but I have to get going; I have a lesson starting soon. If I'm late, my students will be mad at me. 😡"

Pooja: "Wait! If you are a teacher here, do you know the student, Karan Nair? 😑"

Arjun: "Yes. Why?"

Pooja: "I forgot to give him his lunch earlier today when he got out of the car. I know he has a free period now, so I came to give it to him."

Arjun: "He's in the Library."

(End of Conversation)

Inside the hushed, book-filled sanctuary of the university library, Karan Nair sat at a table, his stomach growling in protest. It was the lunch hour, and he had forgotten to bring his meal. However, he wasn't overly concerned, knowing that his sister would come to the rescue.

Karan: "Man, I forgot my lunch!"

His friend Aditya offered reassurance, saying, "It's fine, relax, dude. Your sister will come to bring it to you."

Karan beamed with pride and affection. "I know! I have the best Akka in the world."

Aditya, with a cheeky grin, added, "She's my Akka as well 😉."

Karan chuckled and conceded, "Sure, buddy."

Just as they continued their conversation, Aditya spotted Pooja entering the library, and his face lit up with excitement. Without hesitation, he rushed over to her and enveloped her in a warm, friendly hug.

Pooja: "Aditya! It's so nice to see you. How are you? 😁😁"

Aditya: "I'm good, Akka! But this buffoon who happens to be your brother never shares his food with me."

Karan, with an air of nonchalance, responded, "Well, it's not my fault that there is only enough food for me."

Pooja, always the peacemaker, interjected with a laugh, "Okay, relax, boys. Aditya, I'll make you some food as well from tomorrow onwards, okay? 😂"

Aditya's face lit up with joy, and he eagerly nodded like an eager child promised a special treat.


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