13) planning the proposal

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(at dinner in the Nair household)

Pooja: what took you so long? 😕

Karan: I was with Arjun annayya.

Pooja: annayya? 😒

Karan: he told me to call him that outside of our lessons.

Pooja: okay cool. Anyway, today is movie night. Did you forget?

Karan: sorry Akka I did. I was so immersed in the conversation that I was having with the two of them that I came home late and forgot about it.😢😢

Pooja: it's fine we can watch a movie after dinner.

Karan: oh Akka before I forget, I'll be hanging out with Tanvi and Arjun annayya most days I have a holiday.

Pooja: why? 😞😮

Karan: we have a project coming up and Arjun annayya said he had some materials and Tanvi can help me with research.

Pooja: okay but make sure to be home for movie night.

Karan nods.

(permission from the elders)

Karan: Attha this is my professor and the person Akka has been dating😊

Prajakata: come on in. how are you?

Arjun: I'm fine

Prajakata: Pooja is going to be back soon, she just went out

Arjun: that's not why I'm here Aunty 😬

Prajakata: then why are you here?🤔🤔

Arjun: I've been dating your Neice for 2 years now and I really like her. I'm planning on proposing to her. I will only do that if I have your permission 🥺

Prajakata: I'm glad you respect your elders' opinion. I have no problem. I think my husband won't have a problem if Karan agreed 🤔

Arjun: he already has agreed. he was the first one I asked 😖

Prajakata: then my husband won't have a problem. ☺️

Arjun: thank you for your permission

(Coming up with a plan for the proposal)

Arjun: so any ideas?

Karan: what about proposing in a romantic setting?😓

Tanvi: no that's too boring

Karan: do you have a better idea sherlock?😡

Tanvi: I do.

Arjun: go on. I'm open to ideas

Tanvi: we can do a flashmob of some sort. at first, Arj doesn't join but near the middle he does and then he gets down on a knee and proposes

Arjun: I'm sorry Karan but Tanvi's idea is much better than yours 😖

Karan: I agree. but we need Akka's playlist of her favourite songs to come up with a dance to do in the flashmob

Arjun: her favourite songs are public on her Spotify

Karan: she has Spotify?🧐😓

Tanvi: how many songs are there?

Arjun: yes she does have Spotify ad there are around 10 songs in the playlist

Karan: that means we have to start recruiting

Arjun and Tanvi: for what?

Karan: the proposal flashmob.

Arjun: right, Karan get ten of her closest friends and I'll get 10 of mine. you two are also joining in...

Karan and Tanvi: we are?

Arjun: okay if not both of you, I'm leaning towards Tanvi.

Tanvi: why me?🧐

Arjun and Karan: because you are a much better dancer than both of us combined

Tanvi: you have never seen me dance before Karan🧐🧐

Karan: yes I have!

Tanvi: when?

Karan: in the school talent show when we were in grade 8

Tanvi: you went to the same school as me then?

Karan: I did. I was new then that's why you didn't know me

Tanvi: I remember now

Arjun: it's nice that both of you are going down memory lane but can we get back to the point

(6 months later)

the trio and the rest of the group are ready. there was an event that month in their family so Arjun asks if he could take 1o minute of that time. the family gladly agreed and in two weeks the plan was going to be executed😀😀

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