5) Pooja forgets about Karan's lunch

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As Pooja stood at the imposing gates of the university, her heart skipped a beat as she suddenly realized that she had forgotten a crucial task—delivering Karan's meticulously prepared lunch. A sense of urgency coursed through her veins, urging her to find a solution to this lunchtime dilemma. Glancing to her side, she turned to Leah, who happened to be nearby, her eyes wide with concern.

"Leah," Pooja began, her voice carrying a hint of worry, "when do you get your first break?"

Leah, who was engrossed in her work and seemed unfazed by Pooja's distress, glanced at her watch, calculating the hours until her next reprieve. "My first break," she replied, her tone measured, "is during lunch. Rohit and I have a lot of work to complete, so we generally don't take a break until then."

Pooja let out a sigh of both relief and mild frustration at her own forgetfulness. "Okay," she conceded, "it's fine."

Just as Pooja was about to pivot and set her plan into motion, the bustling campus atmosphere took an unexpected turn. Leah, momentarily distracted, accidentally collided with a fellow student, sending her sprawling to the ground. Leah's innate kindness promptly kicked in, and she extended a helping hand while expressing her concern.

"Sorry," Leah apologized, her voice tinged with regret. "I hope you're not hurt."

The young woman, who had been unceremoniously knocked off her feet, composed herself and replied with a reassuring tone, "I'm fine," before brushing the dust off her clothes. It was then that she happened to notice her teacher, who was coincidentally present at the scene.

"Hi, ma'am. How are you?" she inquired politely, her eyes brightening with recognition.

Pooja, ever the gracious educator, responded with warmth in her voice, "I'm fine, Tanvi☺. I hope you're alright!"

Tanvi's curiosity was piqued by the object that Pooja held in her hand. Noticing it, she couldn't help but ask, "What's in your hand?"

Pooja's gaze followed Tanvi's and settled on the container of food clutched in her hand. With a soft smile, she replied, "Oh, it's my brother's lunch. I forgot to give it to him. I need to drive to his university😧."

Tanvi's eyes widened in understanding, and she immediately offered a practical solution. "Oh, my brother just left. You could have asked him. He works there as a professor. I think he teaches your brother."

While Pooja appreciated the kind gesture, she graciously declined, insisting on fulfilling her responsibility herself. "That's very considerate of you, Tanvi, but I really don't mind driving there."

Tanvi, displaying genuine interest, continued to engage with Pooja. "Can't your brother eat the canteen food?" she inquired.

Pooja's smile remained warm as she revealed a heartfelt truth. "He can, but he only likes to eat the food I make for lunch; otherwise, he'll skip it."

Tanvi nodded, comprehending the sentiment behind Pooja's dedication. With genuine affection, she expressed her admiration, "Okay, ma'am. See you last lesson. Everyone loves your classes!" Her beaming smile radiated positivity😀😀.

Pooja, appreciative of the compliment, replied with humility, "I'm glad all of you like my class, but I have to go now." With a final nod, she made her way toward her car, ready to embark on a mission to ensure Karan's day was complete with the lunch he cherished. As she left the vibrant campus behind, her heart was filled with gratitude for the support and camaraderie of her students.

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