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One of my readers (@AmritaSil) me to write this chapter so here it is. it is going to be a bit short but hope you enjoy it.


after a month of being married, the couple took a month and a half-holiday from their respective offices. they decided to go on their honeymoon. 

(the conversation while deciding where to go)

Arjun: so where do you want to go?

Pooja: I don't mind going anywhere

Arjun: we're hopeless, let's call Tanvi and Karan to help us

Pooja: okay. Karan, Tanvi! come downstairs!

Arjun: they've been upstairs the entire day?

Pooja: yup. I don't know why.

Karan: why did you call us Akka?

Pooja: we need help

Karan: with what?

Arjun: to decide where to go for our honeymoon 

Tanvi: I got an idea, but I will tell you it on one condition. 

Arjun and pooja: what is it?

Tanvi: Karan and I will just give suggestions but we will not completely tell you where to go

Arjun and Pooja: we agree to the condition 

Tanvi: so I want you both to make a list of the places you have been and haven't been. Karan, you help your sister, I'll help my brother with this. 

(five minutes later)

Tanvi: okay have you finished Vadina (sister-in-law in Telugu)?

Pooja: yup

Tanvi: okay so I and Karan will leave and out of the list that you made of the places you never visited both of have to see which places that you want to really visit and pick one that both of want to go to. 

Karan: that was an awesome idea even though it is not related to me. 

Pooja: shut up Karan and thank you Tanvi it really is an awsome idea

Karan: I just said that sherlock

(one week later)

"how long are you guys going to be gone?" Tanvi asks 

"two weeks max," Arjun replies 

"Please come back soon or this devil is going to eat my head off!" Karan whines referring to Tanvi

"did you just call me a devil?" Tanvi asks accusingly 

"I did?" Karan asks innocently. 

since they were still at home Tanvi immediately starts to chase Karan around the house until both of them gave up. Arjun, pooja and their families were just cracking up upon seeing the childishness of the two.

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