𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 - 𝑂𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑎

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What the hell what that?

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What the hell what that?

I stare after where Tyler had pretty much ran away from me. Was he embarrassed of me or something? He had just looked me up and down and over to where other people stared and just left.

"Just ignore him Livvy," I look over to where Kacy stands next to me and notice the worry on her face. I guess she's as concerned about me and Tyler as I am.

"I know, I just thought things might change now we're in school together again," but that's just wishful thinking right?, "Come on, let's just get to homeroom."

Me and Kacy talked in homeroom about everything that we didn't get to talk over last weekend. Since I was away for a week at my dad's, she has had a lot to talk to me about. It really hurt not having Tyler there to say goodbye to me, but I just try to forget about it all.


"Mrs. Myers, I'm not too sure what needs to be included in this project," Mrs. Myers had just set our new ancient history project that needs to be completed by next Monday, but since I have never been very good at History I haven't a clue what to do.

"Since class is about to end, and I'm going to be very busy for a while, why don't you talk to someone who got one of the higher grades last year?" she responds politely as always. This is my first class with her but I like the way she teaches us, and lets us have some freedom in her classes. I know it's only our first class, but I have a feeling it will be like this every lesson.

"That would be great," Mrs. Myers begins to type on her computer, I assume checking who got the highest grade last year, so I can get some help, "You should ask Logan Green, I can send him an email and you can meet here at break if you'd like," I'm pretty excited it's Logan since I know he can help and I get on well with him, "Thank you Mrs. Myers that would work perfectly."

The bell rings to dismiss us and I leave to go to my last class before break. I tell Kacy I won't be with the girls at break and to not wait for me, and I make we way to Math class.

When Math ends, I pack up my notes and walk to my locker to put them there until the end of the day. I pass Tyler in the halls, but put my head down in hopes he didn't recognize me.

Once I get my History work out of my locker and in my bags, I walk over to Mrs. Meyers class. When I get there, Logan is already sitting in the back on his phone.

"Someone's eager to tutor me," my words startle Logan out of the daze he was in and he looks up from his phone to welcome me over, "Of course I'm excited to tutor the most brilliant person in the world," I laugh at his joke, but get cut off from a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I call out from beside Logan, and to my surprise Tyler walks in. The room in consumed in an awkward silence, but I could swear I heard Tyler mutter "That's why he wouldn't tell me," I assume he was talking about Logan, but why the hell wouldn't he tell Tyler.

"Olivia can I talk to you for a second," he looks to Logan pointedly and finished with, "alone," with a screech from the chair legs scraping against the floor, Logan leaves out the door.

"I'm trying to study, what are you doing here?" Tyler looks down as he talks like he's nervous to admit something, I have no idea why though, "I asked Kacy where you were because I wanted to talk to you about something." The tone he used made me give in because he sounded almost sad. "Okay, come sit here and we can talk," he moves over to Logan's chair and sits as he blows out a breath.

"I miss you Angel," I blink in confusion at his admission and the use of my nickname he hasn't used in over a year. I begin to feel tears well up because I just realized how much I miss him too. "Tyler look a simple I miss you isn't going to get me to take you back as my friend. You did horrible things to me. Why?" He looks up at my question and looks me in the eyes as he says "I don't really know angel. I think it's because we were so close I just pushed myself away because I realized how much it would hurt when I had to leave you for middle school. It's something I started doing once my mom died."

I'm so taken aback by all this I just mutter "wow," if he had said this before I would've understood, "Liv, will you be my Angel again?" All I can do is jump into his lap and hug him, "I missed you too, Ty," He wraps his arms around me in a tight embrace that says I'm his again.

I may be too forgiving with Tyler, but I can'tlive properly without being his Angel. I will always be his now, no matter what.

 I will always be his now, no matter what

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