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Hi! So I re-read the first book and boy do I have a lot of things to clear up. I may have sped the events in the first book accompanied with the lack of conversation that can make Y/N and Hermione's relationship to be linked. So I'll do it here with a little bit of flashbacks since I left the first book with a lot of holes.

So I'll explain some things here about Y/N's mysterious so called powers that way when I start the chapter y'all won't get confused.

Black Lines

Can appear when you're feeling overwhelmed or when you reach your emotional limit. It indicates the *let's call it dark* magical power that's trapped inside you wants to get out. I'll leave some things unexplained for now. If it appears Y/N will feel the same way what you experience in your monthly moon phase. When the lines completely covers your entire body it disappears but your mind isn't your own anymore or to say you'll go rogue if you don't control it. And your eyes change colors if the black lines starts to creep up your body which changes base on your emotions.

The snake

The snake in your forearm is permanently there like a tattoo or the dark mark but the difference is it moves everywhere Y/N's body and it can also speak if Y/N lets it to. The downside about this is the snake can change colors base on what Y/N is feeling. Again the snake can hide everywhere your body to avoid people seeing your emotions.

Moon Phase

Just like a werewolf changing in a full moon. Y/N gets affected emotionally and physically in a Last Quarter Moon, New Moon, First Quarter and Full Moon.  The moon somehow affects your unexplained power's behavior that cause your body to overheat (can reduce the feeling if Y/N is underwater for a period of time) and Tiredness/Lashing out one day before, during and after an specific moon phase.

^ This is the 'summary' of Y/N's powers that has happened in the first book. If you haven't seen it, It's the Eyes Open one on my profile.

More explanations will be shown in this 2nd book because my stupid ass didn't plan the first book correctly so I'll just do it right here and probably edit the 1st one from time to time.

This is only a Fanfiction. The Harry Potter Franchise is owned by
Dobby ᴶᴷ ᴿᵒʷˡᶦⁿᵍ and the casts mentioned below own themselves.

And I own nothing except for my poor writing skills.





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Just imagine your hair is like this if you want or any hair that's short.

Just imagine your hair is like this if you want or any hair that's short

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