sisters? - yelena × nat × y/n

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y/n sat in between sam and bucky sipping her lemonade in silence. the whole team was there celebrating the new addition to the team. yelena. y/n couldnt keep her eyes of off her. her blonde hair was up in a plaited bun and she looked amazing. apparently yelena and nat were like sisters but they weren't technically related which helped y/n justify the many daydreams she'd had since yelena's arrival... of being railed hard by both of them. she sighed as she swirled her straw through her lemonade.

"what's wrong princess?" yelena smiled sweetly. y/n flushed red as she looked into yelena's hazel eyes.
"oh- um nothing, I'm fine" y/n said clumsily in reply. y/n just caught nat glancing between the two girls with what looked like a bit of resentment but nat quickly masked the expression with a little smile to y/n.

as the night went on, y/n felt her attention slipping away more and more. she barely heard the conversation as she was too busy imagining what the three girls could all get up to together. her lemonade lay almost untouched as she stared at the table. unfortunately the two widows seem to pick up on this.

"y/n?" nat said but got no response.
"y/nnnnnnn" yelena pushed, waving her hand in front of y/n's eyes trying to get her attention.
"hmm? yeah?" y/n quickly looked up.
"come with me" nat said smiling suspiciously "me and yelena wanna show u something."
"o-ok?" y/n said uncertainly following the two girls into the bathroom but not before noticing wanda looking at u in a way u couldnt quite understand.

nat locked the door.
"what- what's going on?" y/n said nervous in the presence of the two hottest avengers.
"well" yelena said a small smile creeping onto her face "u know how wanda can read minds?"
"yea- oh shit" y/n said as she realized.
"we just wanted to know what got u so distracted" nat said shrugging.
"but now we know" yelena finished.
"...oh" was all y/n could say.

"so... do u wanna start now or shall we just stand here awkwardly for the rest of the night?" nat said ending the silence that had filled the room.
"what?!" y/n sputtered.
"well.. we know what u want so we're gonna give it to u." yelena said bluntly.
"i-" y/n said before getting cut off by nat.
"personally I want to start but we need ur permission first"
"so... what do u think y/n" yelena said, a mischievous smile getting bigger on her face.
just hearing yelena say her name got y/n worked up and flustered so all she could think to do was nod.
"great. then let's get started..." nat said before moving towards y/n

nat went first, putting her hand on the back of y/n's head and pulling her into a passionate kiss. it felt magical but that was not the only magic to go down that night. whilst nat continued to kiss her, letting her hands slide slowly further down y/n's back, yelena started to unzip y/n's jeans. y/n's heart skipped a beat as she felt yelena's hands slide up her thighs, caressing her slowly. nat moved her hands to the front of y/n's shirt and started to unbutton it one by one until the shirt fell to the ground. then, at the same time as nat unclipped her bra, yelena slid her lace underwear onto the floor.

y/n felt completely exposed but she didn't care, she just wanted the two girls to keep going. nat moved up her stomach until her hands were at y/n's breasts. she began to slowly squeeze, getting faster and more furious as she went.
yelena however was taking her time. she slowly moved her fingers along the inside of y/n's thighs going up until they were hovering above her clit. but instead of going any further she moved her fingers away, replacing them with her head. she started to trace y/n's clit with the tip of her tongue, sending shivers down y/n's spine. she started to tease y/n, never fully going in.
"please" y/n moaned.
"please what darling?" yelena replied with much confidence in her tone.
"please fuck me yelena"
"ah now that's not my name is if?"
"... fuck me... mummy." y/n breathed.
"that's better" yelena smiled.
yelena moved her hands up and pushed in one finger. y/n moaned softly her heart beating rapidly. yelena started to pump in and out making y/n arch her back against the cold tiles on the wall. as yelena went harder nat began kissing y/n's neck and moving slowly down making love bites all over y/n's skin. y/n's moans got louder filling the room as yelena added a second finger. she began to pump harder and y/n new she was about to cum.

"I'm about to cum" she said.
"not until I say so" yelena smirked
"I cant hold it in much longer" she moaned
"not yet hot stuff. just a little longer. i know u can do it"

yelena pumped harder and harder and managed to get a third finger in. the pleasure was too much for y/n
"I need.. I need to cum" she whispered
"go on then baby" yelena replied.
so y/n hit her high. it was magical. she could feel nat still leaving love bites all over her breasts and yelena pumping harder than she thought possible whilst leaning in and licking the cum that had dripped down her arm.
but even though she was there physically, mentally, y/n was in heaven. all she could hear were her constant moans and the feeling of absolute pleasure.

when the three girls had finished and cleaned up they put their clothes back on and headed out to the table. everyone was there. waiting.
"well." said stark "haven't u lot been having fun"
y/n felt her face burn red as she looked at yelena and nat who were equally red.
"yes we did hear u.. doing the dead" said bruce
"yall been gettin someeeee" sam said before imitating y/n's moans causing bucky to burst into a fit of laughter. steve sat there looking entirely unimpressed whilst the rest of the team either shared similar expressions with steve or had a look of quiet amusement written across their faces.
"a good first impression to make on the team yelena" stark said sarcastically.
"eh, it could've been worse" yelena replied casually with her beautiful accent that sent y/n over the edge every time, and well made her want to rail her again.
"aren't u two like sisters??" peter said with a quizzical expression on his face.
"well we're not technically related-" nat started.
"and plus we were mainly fucking y/n anyway" yelena finished.
the team just looked disappointed in them so y/n added "hay look u can judge all u want but I just got railed better than ever before by the two hottest women I know so I'm pretty god damn happy right now. so u can all fuck off"
the team exchanged shocked glances for before y/n turned to the two girls "ready for round two?" she smirked
and straight away yelena and nat answered in unison "u fucking bet".

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