shower - valkyrie × gamora × y/n

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y/n had wondered how long it would take for an argument to start. valkyrie and gamora were always going at eachother. they couldn't seem to make it more than 5 minutes without arguing over the stupidest of things. once they had had an argument about which part of gamora's hair was nicer. valkyrie said her natural colour was better because she liked natural hair whereas gamora said she like the coloured bit. they were probably just trying to pick a fight. y/n had to settle it by saying that both parts were nice but they were best together just like gamora and valkyrie themselves.

y/n had liked both of the girls for a while but they had never really got along with each other. they had agreed to share y/n but it made it difficult to juggle them both when they hated each other so much. they could hardly sit in the same room as each other without stirring up some sort of heated discussion. and so even though y/n wanted to hang out with both of them, she never really could.

"guys please, can we just have a moment of piece" y/n sighed.
"its not my fault you decided to date a bitch" valkyrie moaned.
"yeah, you." gamora said staring down valkyrie as if she was some disgusting thing she found on the bottom of her shoe.
"guys, stop please. if you love me?" y/n said giving them both puppy eyes.
"ugh fine, but only cause you're unbearably cute" valkyrie said pulling y/n in for a kiss.
"yeah thats the only reason I put up with her. you're lucky your hot af y/n y/l/n." gamora smiled taking y/n's hand in hers.
"see! this is why I love you guys. and... I'm sure if you just took the time to try and get-" y/n said before getting cut off.
"no! I've tried to like her but I just don't okay! she's so incredibly annoying" valkyrie grumbled.
"yeah, same here" gamora agreed.
"what you struggle to like yourself too? I guess we do have something in common then." valkyrie chuckled.
"ah you bi-" gamora lunged for valkyrie but y/n stopped her.
"GUYS!" she shouted. the two girls apologised to her but y/n decided she needed a break and said she was going to talk to nat.

y/n found nat in her bedroom and knocked gently on the door.
"hay, can I come in?" she called.
"sure" nat called back.
y/n walked in and flopped on the bed.
"whats wrong sweetie?" nat said sitting y/n up who then just lay down again this time with her head on nat's lap.
"I've tried EVERYTHING but gamora and valkyrie just won't get along. I dont know what to do." she sighed as nat began to run her hands through y/n's hair.
"oh I'm sorry sweet, are you sure you've tried everything?" nat replied.
"yeah! I made them do a friendship quiz to see what they had in common. I told them what I liked about each of them so they could like it about each other. I even locked them in the same room as each other..." y/n grumbled "nothing is working."
"hmm... well you like them as more than just friends right? so maybe you need them to see that side of each other." nat offered.
"what do you mean?" y/n said sitting up.
"well they obviously don't like eachothers personality so maybe you need to try and get them to like them in.. bed?"
"wait, thats a really good idea nat, thanks!" y/n stood up excitedly, already beginning to form an idea in her head.
"your welcome sweetheart, and you never know, if they like each others' sexual side that might open their minds to liking each others' personalities as well."
"thank you so much nat! gotta run!" y/n happily ran out of the room.

y/n had spent a while working out the best plan to get the two stubborn girls to see each other in a different light. when she had finally made the perfect plan, she put it into action.

"hay val, I'm gonna take a shower you wanna join?" y/n asked smirking.
"would never say no to that..." valkyrie said a huge smile forming on her face.
"cool, meet me in my bathroom in 5" y/n said walking off.

"gamora, babe? I'm gonna take a shower will you come with me?" y/n said again.
"of course baby" gamora replied excitedly.
"meet me in my bathroom in 5..." y/n said striding away, excitement starting to take the better of her. 

y/n made her way into her bathroom before the other two had arrived and stripped. she turned on the water and let it warm her skin as she waited for them. gamora arrived first eager to get in. she stripped straight away and joined y/n.
"hay babe.." she said biting her lip and looking y/n up and down.
"hay..." y/n said wrapping her arms around gamora's bare waist.
"so ba-" gamora said before the door opened again.
valkyrie walked in taking off her clothes without noticing the other presence in the room "5 minutes felt like wayyy to lo- what is she doing here?!"
"I was about to ask the same thing!" gamora added.
"okay dont freak guys... I just thought u might like each other more if u saw each other the way i do.." y/n smirked.
"you can't do that y/n!" gamora exclaimed.
"yeah thats not fair on us!" valkyrie said.
y/n didn't know what to do so she just placed one hand on gamora's breasts and pulled valkyrie in for a kiss. this stunned the two into silence but they quickly got the idea. valkyrie kissed y/n back, placing one hand on the back of her head and the other on her cheak. meanwhile gamora pulled y/n's hips towards hers until their pussies were touching. she put her hand over y/n's, which was still on her breast, and moved with her hand massaging it together. after a little bit, gamora kneeled down and started tracing her fingers along y/n's clit making her stomach do flips and small moans escape her mouth into valkyrie's. valkyrie pulled away for a second looking down at gamora who finally pushed one finger in, making y/n moan profusely. valkyrie tilted her head to the side in a sort of acceptance before kneeling down beside gamora. she looked at gamora before pushing one of her own fingers into y/n. y/n felt as though she'd just walked up the steps to heaven. gamora began to pump fast followed by valkyrie as if it was a competition. they kept trying to pump harder than the other making y/n's head race from the pleasure. she began to orgasm and let out a load of cum, her heart racing rappidly inside her chest. the two girls both had the idea to lick up y/n's cum at the same time. their tongues interlocked. they stared into each othes eyes before pulling each other into a passionate kiss, sharing the cum they had collected from y/n. this just made them go even faster picking up a rhythm and hitting the perfect spot as they kissed by y/n's pussy. y/n felt so much pleasure she let out another burst of cum. gamora and valkyrie pulled away and smirked at each other. they covered their tongues in the white liquid before pushing it around every inch of the other's mouth. after a while gamora and valkyrie pulled out. they stood up and took it in turns to make out with y/n while the other left love her bites around her breasts. occasionly they turned to kiss each other for a bit. 

when they were finally done they didnt even have to clean themselves as they were already under a steady stream of warm water, although not as warm as y/n's cum gamora as had pointed out. they had laughed at this before stepping out the shower to dry up. when they had changed into into pyjamas and had gathered all the fluffy blankets they could find, the three girls sat down to watch a movie.

"are you sure you can stand each other long enough to watch a whole movie?" y/n chuckled.
"eh, I guess she's not that bad..." valkyrie said giving gamora an evil stare followed by a wink.
"not terrible yourself!" gamora laughed elbowing valkyrie.
"great! lets watch this movie then... baywatch?" y/n asked.
"y/n you naughty girl!" gamora exclaimed jokingly.
"would never say no to baywatch!" valkyrie said leaning in to kiss y/n and then gamora.

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