summer swimming - hela × y/n

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the sun shimmed in the evening of july 5th, casting a beautiful golden glow over new york. y/n sat by the pool enjoying the warmth of the summer evening. the avengers had had a day by the pool and had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. most of them were just chatting, sunbathing and drinking fruity cocktails but a few were still splashing in the water.

tony, who was slightly tipsy, was placing a bet against nat of who could stay under water for the longest. scott, thor and peter were splashing each other like little kids. vision and wanda were cuddling very cutely. and the rest were just chatting lazily and enjoying the sun.

y/n gazed happily at the beautiful view they had over the infinity pool. she was quiet, just letting her thoughts wander when hela walked over to them wearing a black bikini. conversation quickly died. y/n's jaw dropped at the sight of her.

"no comments." was all she said before diving gracefully into the pool leaving everyone in shock (especially thor and loki who just sat with their jaws on the floor).

hela had arrived with thor and loki a few days back as a punishment for the whole ragnorok conundrum. she had made it quite clear as soon as she arrived that no one was to mess with her on punishment of death. or worse. she only came down for food and even then she ignored everyone or produced a dagger, from what must've been a never ending supply she seemed to have, if someone tried to make conversation with her. everyone was terrified of her, but y/n couldnt seem to get her out of her head. her thoughts always seemed to venture back to her.

hela had begun doing laps of the pool and, with confused faces, the others slowly went back to what they were doing. y/n felt her stomach tighten as hela swum up to her end of the pool and as she surfaced seemed to smirk at y/n before diving underwater again.

y/n watched placidly as hela did many laps of the pool effortlessly. eventually she emerged from the water and pulled herself up onto the edge. water dripped from her slender body as she walked over to grab her towel panting ever so slightly. she seemed to be walking in slow motion but y/n knew that couldn't actually happen. y/n tried not to stare but found her eyes were attached, taking in every little curve of her beautiful body.

something warmed in her stomach - or to be more accurate, just below. her face flushed a deep pink as hela glanced at her and smirked as she wrapped the towel around her body. hela returned inside and y/n watched her leave transfixed.

y/n decided to leave, feeling slightly flustered after that and she made her way up to her bedroom. on her way she past hela's room and heard the shower running and the unmistakable sound of hela singing. y/n was so shocked she just stood in the corridor listening. hela had a lovely voice and when y/n had regained her wits she decided to sneak into hela's room to listen.

she tiptoed into her room and snuck up to the bathroom. the door was slightly agape and y/n pressed her ear against the door, listening closely. she stayed for a few minutes listening to hela, moved by her voice. she made to lean closer but before she realised what had happened, found herself on the floor of hela's bathroom, the door wide open. the water stopped and as y/n looked up and opened her mouth to apologise, hela got in first.

"now, now, weren't watching were we?" she said having pulled open the curtains of the shower. y/n stared at her naked body in awe.

"i- uh-" she stuttered lost for words.

"hmm" hela nelt down and inspected y/n in her bikini (or whatever you imagine yourself wearing and feel comfortable in). "you know, I had been imaging this would happen, but not like this. no... you would have been bare for me. but now you have ruined my plans and well, you need to be punished for that dont you?"

y/n stared unsure of what to do or say. her heart pounded in her chest as she tried desperately to make sense of what hela had said.

"well seeing as you wanted this so much, I guess I shall grant you your wish but first dear, first I will punish you." hela smirked and walked out of the bathroom to her room door, turning the lock. she stalked back over to y/n. "bed. now."

y/n still completely confused, picked herself up and walked over to the bed beginning to feel excitedly nervous. y/n's eyes kept creeping down and this didnt go unnoticed by hela.

"you want this?" hela gestured down "well my dear, you wont be getting it. I guess I'll just pleasure myself." she knelt on the bed pushing y/n towards the other side.

heart pounding, y/n watching as hela began to pleasure herself in a way that just brought pure jealousy to y/n's sole. she felt herself wet slightly as hela began to moan and delve deep into her core.

y/n wanted more than anything to be touching hela and helping but she knew that would only get her in more trouble so instead she sat and watched with horrific impatience.

after a couple of minutes, y/n finally became too restless. she pushed herself up slightly and said "are you going to let me join or what?"

hela stopped slowly, removing her hand, and glanced up. "well I suppose thats enough of a punishment." she sighed "now... rid yourself of that bikini (again or whatever u want it to be)"

y/n, bored of waiting, got quickly on with it and stripped herself bare for hela. she watched hela's eyes dart over her body in a hungry kind of yearning and y/n new she wasnt the only one who wanted this.

y/n spread her legs enticingly and hela seemed to get the message. she ran her hands smoothly over y/n's bare legs reaching up to her thighs. before following with a trail of kisses. y/n's  heart fluttered soundlessly as hela approached her clit. she gently placed kisses across the top and y/n tightened at the sensation. hela decided it was time she entered and let her tongue do the work.

y/n let a moan escape as the pleasure seeped in. hela's tongue was like magic and it did wonders inside of y/n. she began to pump and y/n moaned louder again, her back arching against the frame of the bed. the sound of her moans now came loud and persistent as hela continued to pump harder and harder, falling into a beautiful rhythm. her hands pushed up and down y/n's thighs in similar movements to her head as she kept herself between y/n's legs. head back and moaning, y/n began to push herself into hela encouraging her to go faster. so hela did. and just like that y/n reached her climax. a sticky flow of juices poured from her pussy all over hela. she looked down to see hela swallow it up as she finished with her tongue.

hela looked up at her smirking madly. "you taste amazing." she chuckled. her hands reached around finding y/n's lower back and pulled her onto her lap. she then lifted her right leg over the top of y/n's left so they were entangled within eachother. she placed her hands on y/n's back and began to grind her wet pussy onto y/n's. y/n also began to move and their bodies, slotted together, moved as one, rubbing against each other. they both let slip a moan. and then another. and then a couple more until they were grinding hard and moaning harder. the noises echoed like music in y/n's ears as she finally got what she had been dreaming about since hela's arrival.

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