pt.2 sugar daddy - tony × y/n

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steve hadn't spoken to y/n since what happened with tony yesterday but y/n didn't mind too much. she had been spending a lot of time with tony (although they weren't actually talking too much either ;) ).

there was going to be a party tonight as it was clint's birthday and y/n was already planning ways to ruin the night for her dad. at quarter to 7, y/n sat on tony's bed debating what to wear. tony was putting on a suit and y/n couldn't help but stare through the mirror as he changed.

tony caught her eyes. "not peaking are we?"
"oh no wouldn't dream if it." y/n smirked.
"I like it. but save it to after the party." tony buttoned up his shirt. 
"hmm, tony what should I wear tonight? the red one or the black? I'm trying to find the sluttiest outfit just to piss off my dad when I come in walking right next to you."
"right we'll I think u look best in the black but honestly you're beautiful in both." tony admired y/n.
"aw not getting soppy are you?" y/n teased.
"maybe I am. just for your darling." tony smirked.

when they were ready for the party, tony and y/n went downstairs and arrived at a fashionably late time. a couple of heads turned as they walked in and y/n clutched her Gucci purse that tony had bought for her and giggled as tony pinched her butt.

steve watched with a sour expression on his face as the couple stalked past him going over to clint to say happy birthday.

the night was just getting started when nat started a game of truth and dare. it was almost 11 and everyone was tipsy.

"okay okay." nat said "wanda truth or dare?"
"um truth."
"okay let's see." nat thought for a second before giggling and saying "does vision have anything, you know, down there?"
"nat!" wanda exclaimed trying to keep a straight face "well... yes. and its quite god damn big as well!"
the whole team burst into laughter except steve and vision.
"wanda!" vision cried.
"sorry vis. okay bucky, truth or dare?"
"dare. I ain't a pussy." bucky implied.
wanda glared at him "alright if that's how you wanna do this. bucky, turn on sam."
bucky looked flustered for a second before replying "fine."
he stalked over to sam, who was looking partially terrified, and sat on his lap. he whispered something inaudible to everyone else but that made sam's face burn scarlet before beginning to grind. bucky looked down and smirked and if it was possible, sam turned an even darker shade of red. everyone giggled, knowing what had happened. but then sam whispered something in bucky's ear and bucky smashed his lips onto sam's. everyone cheered and bucky stood up, lifting sam with him and off they went.
"well that was unexpected-" tony said and everyone burst into giggles.

(sorry for the slight detour from the plot, just had to add a bit of bucky × sam)

after a while it was y/n's turn.
"y/n" thor said "truth or dare?"
"dare." y/n said with confidence.
"okay... make tony jealous."
y/n immediately smirked. she strode over to peter who was like a son to tony and began to make out with him. tony shifted in his chair clearly uncomfortable. y/n began to grind slightly and pretended to moan.
"alright! that's enough!" tony shouted.
"you're a good kisser spider boy." y/n chuckled. peter had gone bright red.
tony was obviously angry so he picked y/n up and brought her upstairs.

"now. what you did back there. that was not very nice was it?" he lay y/n down on the bed and began to search around in his wardrobe. "well after that. you're going to have to be punished."
finally he pulled something out. he turned around and in his hands were some handcuffs. tony smirked slyly as he moved over attached one of y/n's wrists to the bed. y/n lay spread open for tony and he climbed on top of her.
"dont ever do that again." he snarled.
"I wont... daddy." y/n chuckled.
"you have no idea what you just did." tony pulled off his trousers to reveal something large and hard poking out of his underwear. he began to undress y/n as he lunged towards her lips. at tony's touch y/n felt a moan escape her. tony unclipped her bra and let his hands feel around. y/n's nipples turned hard and more moans left her. it felt amazing. she reached down and traced her fingers over his member. she felt him moan, the noise vibrating on her lips. she let her free hand grip around it and began to pump: up down up down. his moans came stronger, his left hand scrunching in her hair. he used his right hand to trace her nipples and y/n also began to moan. his hands began to venture slowly down, until they reached y/n's clit. her hand left tony and began grip onto the sheets as her back began to arch. tony then followed his fingers, leaving marks as he went. eventually he reached y/n's thighs and moved his fingers out the way. he looked down at y/n's spread legs and smirked, before plunging down into her. he teased her for a few seconds before pushing his tongue in. y/n felt sweat dripping down her face as she moaned in pure pleasure. tony pumped slightly but there wasnt as much he could do like this so he pulled out and swapped his tongue with his long member. this would do more damage. he slipped it in and immediately began to pump, starting to moan as he pulled in and out of y/n. when y/n's back was arched before, it now became a bridge. she dug her hand into the sheets. her mouth was wide open, letting out all the sounds that were within her. tony was just as loud. then suddenly she felt him twitch inside of her and he let out his juices. y/n felt it pore out of him and pushed her over the edge. she too, let out what was inside of her.

when they were done, tony and y/n cleaned up a bit before slipping their clothes back on. they went down to the party, but when they got there it seemed to already be the after party as only the avengers sat there, all between tipsy and very drunk.

when nat looked up at them drunkenly giggled "wow two hours you guys, get it girl"
y/n chuckled but before she could say anything steve looked up at them. he seemed to have drowned his sorrows in a large amount of alcohol.
"you! you just run around sleeping with any guy you like!" he shouted.
"woah woah dad might wanna take a break from the drinks." y/n took the bottle from his hand.
"your a slut you know that! and no daughter of mine"
"hmm yeah... but I take pride in being a slut, you cant even admit that you're a twat."
the avengers laughed and they all went on with their conversations like nothing had happened leaving steve clueless as always.

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