chapter 20

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Everyone was still staring at the dragon that appeared in front of them, trying to comprehend what bell and patry had said.

- "How can grimoire turn into a 4 Leaves!"  Noelle whispered.
- “What are you talking about?” Yuno asked for a moment before looking at what she were looking at, they were surprised by the appearance of the dragon, as they did not notice grimoire Maria and Masaru turned into 4 Leaves, this is the first time it has happened .

- “Maybe because their true strength was sealed and when they free it and their strength increased, luck was on their side and they got the fourth Leaves” , Rhya said.

- “It is better to leave it to them for now and then we will intervene in time, this monster has been modified in such a way that none of the magic attacks affect it,” fuegoleon said.
- “But I can,” Asta said, tiredness on his face.
"Not now, trust them, We will intervene when the time is right,"  fuegoleon replied in a sharp voice.
Asta could not disobey the orders of the wizard King, but he would help and would not allow either of them to die.

Both Maria and Masaru were also still amazed at what had happened, not expecting that the bedtime story their grandmother was telling them was true.

Suddenly time stopped and everything around them disappeared and they were left alone with the dragon.
They looked at each other  and before either of them said anything they heard a strange voice, it was the voice of the dragon.

- “Someone summoned me after thousands of years, but how could he possibly be human? This has never happened before”.
- "I'm sorry to bother you, but we need your help to save us, so please accept our help" , Maria said in a calm voice.

The dragon looked at her suspiciously,
- “If i come here after I have been summoned, that means that I will do what the summoned asks of me , and I expect you will know the price”.
- “A price?” Maria asked.
- "Of course we know, and I don't mind if I pay it ,"  Masaru said, looking at a dragon with his eyes, and he understood that he wanted to talk to him privately.

The dragon froze Maria,
- "I guess she doesn't know the price to pay but you know, usually one strong wind mage calls me, your being here is strange and happens for the first time".
Masaru  looked at the dragon and felt he possessed his magic with all his power, he did not imagine that his magic was the magic of mercury, so what was his parents hiding that from them! , also the seal of their magic power and also why did they lie about their grandmother story and tell them not to listen to her.
if what his grandmother said  until now is Right , it means that the rest of the story  is true, He swallowed while thinking about this, Maria does not know the rest of the story because she was sleeping before her grandmother finished it.
If this is true, he must get her out of this and save everyone even if he paid the price.

- “Yes, we are connected together, and I promised my mother that I would protect her with my life, so her life is tied to me, so I ready to pay the price instead of her , and give you my soul as a price for summoning you, and I want you to guarantee my sister life” , Masaru said confidently.

- "Are you sure? It's the first time I've seen someone give their soul instead of someone else."
-"Yeah I'm sure"
- “Then I accepted,”  the dragon said , bringing Maria back to normal, and they continued their conversation

- “Well, I paused the time in the real world for a moment to complete the contract between us, You will return there, The girl will be able to Use the absolute power of the wind, and destroy anything even if it was intended to be impervious to magic, but the power would be great and the damage incurred in the area would  be the greatest" , the dragon said .

- "Don't worry, I'll take care of them",  Masaru said.
Then the time was running again , The monster was preparing to launch its attack, Masaru sighed and smiled at Maria,
-"After i finish building the wall start you attack ".
She nodded to him without knowing anything. She knew that what they were going to do was dangerous, but she did not know what the price was.

Masaru walked towards the monster and collected all his magical energy.
He released his mana zone for the first time in a wide and powerful range that made the whole place shake, most of the magic knights in the area couldn't stand and fell to the ground because of its strength, the captain's and some magic knights managed to control and stand
When Noelle looked around, she saw that everything around her, from the stones or the broken wood of the houses, was turning into crumbs and collected and fused together with the magic of mercury, as it formed a solid wall of mercury magic around the beast from all sides.

- “What is this?” Noelle asked, looking at her brother.
- "The wall of mercury, this prevents any magic power from entering or leaving it, but made it it uses most of a person magic" , Nozel muttered.

After that, on top of that wall, Maria went up with the dragon and cast a spell that merged with the dragon so that they would release their power together.
Masaru followed her up , He was tired and blood started to come out of his mouth as he seemed to have used up a lot of his magic power, He stood next to her to get ready to take part in the final attack.  .

- "Don't do that! stop! you'll kill yourself like this," Akemi screamed in fright.
She felt a large hand placed on her shoulder and looked at him, it was her father.
-  “You have to respect his decision,” Yami whispered to her.
- "But if he attack again, he wouldn't even be able to stand and would fall," she whispered sadly, looking into her father eyes.

-  “I will not let them fall, and if their decision is to sacrifice to deal the fatal blow to the beast, I make up my decision and I will not let them fall , Will you join me?”  Tetsuo said.

- "Of course, I won't give up on them," Akemi said.
- “But how are you going to plan for this magical power that will be released so big,” Yami said.

-  "Maybe we'll help," Finral and Vanessa voices were heard.
They looked at them when Finral began explaining,
- "The force they use will be strong and will affect my magic, so we have to work quickly, Vanessa will tie you  with her Thread and rouge help , and after they Release their attack directly, I will open a gate on top of that wall, you must quickly pick them up and bring them back from the same gate before it erase because of  the power of their magic, or you will die with them"

Yami was going to object, he didn't want his children to be in danger, before Charlotte hand grabbed him,
- "I know it's dangerous and I don't want to lose my kids but there's no point from trying to stop them ,  they won't change their minds, I went through this when you were kidnapped, and I didn't give up even though they are demons and I wanted  I'll take you back if it costs me my life, so let's trust them."
Yami sighed and nodded she forced him to agree.

To be continued.........

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