chapter 22

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while fighting the monster and completely eliminating it, Philip was holding Aiko hand and trying to keep it away from danger and avoid stones and things falling due to the fight, this annoyed Aiko and made her pull his hand and force him to stop, and he looked at her wondering

- "I'm not a child, I'm a magical knight, I can take care of myself, I'm not a child to drag me like that," Aiko said angrily.
-"I know , but your father would kill me if something happened to you" , Philip answered.
- "I don't care what he say , I'm stronger than you all think" , Aiko replied, stretching her hand in front of Philip and casting out a dark magic.

Philip stood in shock and looked at her,
- "Wait, isn't your magic the magic of Briar?, how does this happen , Are you the other girl?".
- "No, I'm not the other, and I won't tell you before you tell me how you have the dark magic" , Aiko was mad at him because he hid it from her.
- "The story is long and needs to be explained, I didn't mean to lie to you, I swear I'll tell you everything," Philip replied.

Suddenly, the last attack on a monster was in progress and it was destroyed, causing the ground to shake.
Philip grabbed Aiko and hugged her so she wouldn't get hurt.
When it was all over and Asta and the others killed that person who control the monster,

Aiko sighed as she watched them, she must to be getting stronger like them, then noticed that Phillip was still holding her, she quickly turned away from him, causing the two of them to be embarrassed and Phillip rubbed the back of his head and looked away, aiko laughing on this, this movement reminded her of her father, as he used to do it a lot.

- " Well I'll tell you, me and all my brothers use dark magic, yuuki and Tetsuo magic is dark magic, Akemi inherited part of my father magic, where dark magic fuses with Akemi Briar magic and she uses them together in a spell, me I use the dark magic and Briar magic but separately I can't use the two magic Together like Akemi , because my dark magic is weak, when I was born I was very weak, Yuuki was born before me and my mother carried her , and my father held me in his arms near to my mother, he gave me a part of his magical power so that I might survive and live , And during that Yuuki held my hand, I don't know if this was a coincidence, but it seems that she also passed a little of her magical power on to me, which made me live and the magic of darkness passed on to me as well" , Aiko answered, a gentle smile appeared on her lips.

- "I see, I think it's all over here , I have to go check on my grandfather , I'll tell you everything about me later , Will you come?" Philip asked and he extended her hand to her.
Aiko looked at him and took hold of his hand, and they went to the palace where his grandfather was staying.

At the hospital, Masaru and Maria were put in a treatment room, and Owen went to treat them and asked Grey to help him with this.
The rest gathered in a room, where Asta and Noelle arrived there as well.

Everyone was waiting in the room for a long time and everyone was drowning in their thoughts.
Owen entered that moment, which made everyone look at him.

- " i treated them, Maria health seemed to be stabilizing, but Masaru condition is unstable, I don't understand what happened, they took a large amount of mana and then suddenly lost it, in addition to their bad wounds, they are lucky they didn't die, they should be kept under observation , But the strange thing is that their hair is still silver and not return to its normal color".

- "I understand" , Yami muttered.

Akemi was very worried and thinking a lot of things until Grey voice Bring her back to reality , she entered the room and called her, looking at her with something in her hands.

- "Masaru was wearing this , I think it's valuable, I think you'd better keep it so it doesn't get lost" , Grey said and giving Akemi a necklace that looked like a half-cross , Akemi took the necklace in her hands and whispered,
-"Thank you" .

- "Wait! Show me this necklace" , Nozel said in a loud voice.
Akemi closed her hands around the necklace, - "No, I won't give it to anyone, it's very important to Masaru".

- "How did he get it then?" Nozel tried to keep his nerves.
- "He told me it was a gift from his mother, she gave it to him when they were attacked and someone killed his family and his mother asked him to keep it".
- "That's impossible, give it to me" , Nozel whispered.
- "What's going on here Nozel, she told you it belongs to Masaru, Stay away from my daughter" , Charlotte said angrily.

Nozel sighed before raising his hands around his neck and taking something out from under his clothes , It was a necklace similar to the one that Akemi carries, no it looked like the other half of the cross.

-"What's going on, brother?" Noelle said.
- "This necklace is inherited to the silva family, the eldest son of the silva family takes it, as well as an earring, one piece of which was given to Nebra because she is the eldest daughter, and they have been passed down for generations , but when our mother gave it to us it was the half , and she told us we would see the other half on the right time , and When this happens I must not let him go and be together forever, I don't understand how he got to him, and where is that piece of the earring ".

Everyone was trying to understand what Nozel said, it seems that silva family has other secrets that no one knows about.

Then Yuuki entered the room, her body was bandaged , Charlotte approached her daughter to make sure her daughter was healthy.

- "Mom, I'm fine, it's just a few wounds from a battle" , Yuuki was trying to get out of her mother arms.
- "you're as stubborn as your mother and you push yourself a lot, it's good that you're fine, where did your sister go?" , Yami said with a smile.
- "I don't know where she went, I remember seeing her with the Strange Prince after the battle end " Yuuki replied.

- "I think he went to see that cunning old man, it seems that the owner of the braid has his own problems here and he won't leave, I have to go and solve my private problem , stay with your sister here and help people, Asta come with me too" , Yami said as he left with Charlotte and asta.

Noelle looked at them as they left and sighed,
- "I think we should wait for them to wake up until we understand what happened".
Nozel nodded for her.

Akemi put on the necklace and went out with Yuuki, who was stopped by Nozel voice.
- "You'd better keep that necklace, don't lose it".
- "Don't worry, I won't lose it, I'll keep it with my life" , Akemi replied in a cold tone and left the room.

To be continued..........

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