chapter 25

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In Silva Palace , Nozel arrived at the palace angry, when the servant asked him to go to Nebra room.

“It better be so important that you made me come here at this time” .
"Of course it's important brother" , Nebra smiled at him and motioned for him to sit next to her on the bed.
Nozel sighed and went to sit next to her when he noticed that she was carrying a small box in her hands.
Nebra opened the box so that Nozil could see its contents, it was a group of pictures of Nebra with her mother and other photos of their mother with a number of their family members, but the picture was cut out and there is a missing section of it that hides the presence of someone, then he noticed that there was a earring piece ، he knew it immediately was this  The earring piece that his mother gave to Nibra before her death.

“What does that mean,” Nozel muttered.

" Before my mother died, I was very attached to her, I spent most of the time beside her in her bed, she gave me this earring and said I would find the other piece with another girl and I should look for her well and stay together, and when I find her I will know who is missing in this picture,  But after her death and what happened to us, I forgot about it, but after the fight and I watched that girland the boy  , I remembered what she said without knowing the reason, Did you know who they were and how they got the silver hair?".
Nebra said while holding the picture to look at it well.

"No, they are in a coma now, but I found the other part of my necklace with that boy".
“What, and what about the earring piece?” .
"I have no idea, it's better to ask them when they wake up."
“I will come with you,” Nebra said insistently.

When they went to the hospital Noelle was still there watching them, and she turned to them when she saw them.
"Maria has woken up, but Masaru is still bad."
"I see, I'll go talk to Owen before I talk to her, wait here" , Nozel said.

Noelle was still worried and absent-minded, there were a lot of things that happened to Asta and now this.

"Are you okay? I heard from Nozel that Asta is injured, is he okay?" Nebra  voice turned back Noelle to reality.

"Yeah he's fine, that idiot is strong and won't die easily" , Noelle face was red as she spoke.

Nebra laughed as she put her hand on Noelle shoulder, "I hope he's okay, and that you're happy with him , I know I won't make up for what I did to you in the past , I hurt you, but I hope you'll allow me to support you and make up a little".

Noelle smiled in her sister face, maybe they were very bad with her, but their mother death affected them a lot ,  And this is what matters to her to finally have a loving family that supports her.

Moments later, Nozel came back and entered Maria room, she was sitting on the bed tired.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm a little tired, how's my brother doing?"
"Owen told me he's fine but needs more time to recover," Nozel said.
"That's fine, but why is my eye and hair color still like that?" Maria sighed, holding her hair and looking at it silver.
"What don't you like about the silver and purple ? It's like our eyes and hair color" , Noelle said, putting her hands on her waist.

"No, I didn't mean that, I'm sorry."
"That's enough Noelle, don't bother her," Nebra said sitting on a bed beside Maria.
"We've never met before, I'm Nebra, Noelle older sister , Nice to see you."
“Maria, I want to ask you, we found with your brother a necklace that he is wearing , Do you know where he got it from?”
"I don't know much, but when we were attacked my mother gave it to him."
" Did he have a piece of a gold cross-shaped earring with him?".
“Do you mean this, why are you asking about it,”  Maria said, after she took out the necklace she was wearing, and in it was a round amulet of the kind opened and things were put inside, when she opened it everyone opened their eyes in astonishment , The other piece of the earring was inside.

"My mother gave me this too at the same time and it was the only thing that connected me with my family during the years of my kidnapping."

Nebra smiled as she took out her earring and showed it to Maria.
"I can't believe they're alike," , Noelle muttered
"They are two pieces of one earring and they belonged to the same person, and I don't know why they were separated." Nozel said.

"I have no idea," Maria whispered.
"If we wait for Masaru to wake up, maybe he knows something, you should rest now" ,  Nebra said as she pushed her two brothers out.

Several days later, Masaru woke up too, but there was nothing new he knew more than Nozelle.
Their mother gave him to him and asked him to save them with his life and put the two pieces together, but she died before she could finish her sentence.
He was holding the necklace that Akemi returned to him, and trying to tie things together, but to no avail.

Nozel mind was thinking and trying to connect things together and put many possibilities, but all that came to his mind was his mother voice when she gave him the cross and asked him to find the other part of the cross and the throat and bring them together and not let them separate again.
But what does all this and of these mean, and how did the necklace and earring come to them and their silver hair, and his mother had asked him the same thing, he felt that his mind was going to explode, when he realized that fuegoleon was standing behind him.

"You seem to have achieved nothing."
Nozel sighed, "Nothing new."
"I don't know if what I'm going to say will help, but remember when we were kids, and we heard there was a rumor about a treasure hidden by silva family? And that it had a special kind of key?"
"Oh, I remember, but as I remember, it was our imagination when we were children, and we searched for it and found nothing, and my mother caught us and punished us."

"Do you think so? I remember your mother was so angry, why she so angry if it's a children fantasy?"
"I think that's the only clue I can look for. I'll look for our nanny. She might remember something my mother said".

The nanny was living in a quiet village after she retired from serving Silva breadwinner, so Nozel decided to go there himself.

Meanwhile, a secret meeting was being held by the ruler of Clover with members of the royal Kira family.
they might have gotten rid of a threat and wouldn't have cared if anyone had defeated him, but the appearance of the wind god and the mysterious powerful forces of that young man and girl frightened them and considered them a threat to their rule , and that It is better to eliminate them , before they turn on them.

it seems that they are orphans without a family and from a squad that has always caused problems, so a mock trial and then their execution will take place quickly and there will be no one to oppose them.

To be continued.........

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