chapter 24

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"Come on, let's sit down , The story is long and needs to be explained," said the King of Cedars and sat down on his chair.

" A long time ago, Aki came to our country from the Hino Country , He was 18 years old , He was looking for his younger brother, who got lost while riding a boat , He thought that the waves had washed him into our country, as it was the closest to the hino country, but he did not find him despite his long search for him in our country , In the end he lost hope of finding him,
Because there was no other country closer to us which the wave could drag him to it , to go and search for in it , so he decided to leave the matter to fate and it would bring them together one day.

my country was suffering at that time in turmoil and there were rebels On the ruling , and they kidnapped my only daughter and they asked me to surrender myself to them in exchange for her release , I agreed and i went to the place they had identified by myself, and they almost killed me and my daughter , Fortunately Aki was present, and despite their large number, he fought them hard It was the first time we saw dark magic it was very strong, and he was able to fight them before my assistant arrived , he secretly followed me and helped him to fight the rebels and eliminate them , after that I asked him to stay in my country and appointed him responsible for protecting the Castle , and he agreed in exchange for me not to ask him about anything About his previous life or From where he came or What is his family name

then years passed and he became a commander of the royal guard, although He was rude and said harsh words, but he was kind-hearted , he was in relationships with my daughter ,I did not object to their relationship despite the opposition of many of the ruling family, but I wanted her happiness and he was someone who relied on him to protect her and the country.

after a while we were attacked by countrie we do not know they owned The power of a demon , they was very strong and they managed to kidnap Aki , We tried to catch up with them before leaving the country, but when we got to the place where they are holding Aki We were late , they pulled all the mana from his body and he was near to die , I tried to catch him and treat him, but it was too late and he told me then his situation in his country  and  The reason for not returning is that someone wants to kill his family members because of their strong and rare magic, and he asked me not to allow his child who will be born soon, to go to Hino Country because of this, and the last thing he talked about was
It's about his lost brother and that I have to find him, he died bravely.

Then a few months later my daughter  gave birth Philip and died immediately , she couldn't stand His death, perhaps what kept her alive at that time She was pregnant with philip , and because they weren't officially married , and neither we didn't even know his family name so I decided to give Philip his mother name ,  he would be the crown prince after me".

When the King finished speaking, Charlotte was holding Yami hand and squeezing her because she felt his nervousness.

“Who kidnapped him and why?” Yami could finally speak.
"We never knew who they were, I'm sorry I couldn't save him, I followed them before everyone else, but I arrived late , I heard part of their conversation that they were hosts to the devil, and after they finished drawing mana from aki, someone said that he was not the wanted person and And that his dark power is not enough, then I heard a scream and a demonic force flowed as he said to the man that his mission here is over ، and that he is weak and not suitable for a demon king and he must go to Spade to contract with someone stronger to get the dark power from the person who lives in Clover, and suddenly the demonic power disappeared, it was a terrifying power , I was so scared I couldn’t move, I owe it to Mister Akihiro , He took care of me and trained me, but in return I couldn’t protect or save him” , The assistant king muttered in a sad tone.

All Yami could do was put his head in his hands, it was more than he could handle.
He was fortunate when he was rescued after being kidnapped by the Dark Triad, while his older brother couldn't survive, was it a tax to have such power, but he never asked for it, he'd rather get normal magic and stay with his brothers.
Now he will never see his older brother again.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte voice pulled him out of his thoughts, he raised his head and found her eyes were smiling at him try to make him calm down  , and her hand still pressing on his hand, always calming that smile.

"It seems that everything has a price," Yami muttered.

“That means you are my uncle” , Philip said.
"This is awesome, I can't believe it " , Asta replied, his eyes shining brightly .

"Unfortunately you idiot , you almost caused me a lot of trouble" ، Yami said  pressing Philip head with his hand.
He was screaming as he tried to get rid of Yami grip ,This made everyone laugh

"He was the captain of one of the magic squad and now he's the assistant of the wizard king , Of course we also gave him a chance just like you did with his brother, it seems that we will be on good terms with each other and sign more agreements with you" , the Clover King king Happened to get aid and money from the country of Cedar.
“Of course, we will talk about this later” the Cedar King replied.

Yami was looking at the rest as Aiko was talking excitedly to Philip and asta smiled at them and went out onto the balcony because he needed a smoke.

He was looking towards the town, part of which was destroyed
"The magic knights must be busy now" , he heard  Charlotte voice behind him as she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back.

"Do you think it's finally over?"
"Yes, it's over , That's enough , I need a rest" , She muttered, not lifting her head off his back.

Yami could sense the sadness in her voice , He grabbed her hands and turned her to face him, caressing her cheek and kissing her lightly,
"Are you okay?".

Charlotte buried her head in his chest and yami hugged her,
"Yeah fine, but think about what I heard , I was lucky to have you back , If we couldn't save you , I don't know what would have happened to me I didn't tell you my feelings then
I would have lived regrets for the rest of my life I couldn't bear to live without you".

Yami combed her hair and kissed the top of her head , "But I'm here now, so we won't waste a moment of our lives".

Charlotte raised her head and looked at him and smiled as she nodded in agreement.

To be continued.......

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