C H A P T E R 1

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"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Chennai International Airport. Please make sure one last time your seat belt is securely fastened. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you."

The loud announcement woke Sivaangi up from her deep slumber. Her doe eyes were wide open as if she almost forgot how she ended up in the airplane. Yawning slowly, she tamed her hair the best she can before turning towards the window.

The sight was breathtaking. Fluffy clouds spread all around the blue canvas in the name of sky as the sun shone brightly. If not anything, the weather certainly made her feel welcomed into her birth land.

To be honest, her mind still hasn't completely processed the fact that she is about to step into India again. There were countless dark, lonely nights back in Melbourne when she thought she'll forever be trapped there. And to a certain extent she was mentally prepared to spend the rest of her life away from her Homeland. But the sudden call from her father on a random evening, followed by a wedding invitation and a flight ticket sent through Whatsapp gave her a new ray of hope. Maybe things were finally changing for the better.

Deep down she knows her hopes will be crushed but at the end of the day, one can never stop hoping. Sometimes a tiny hope will be the only reason to keep going.

Once she landed, she excitedly took out her phone to make a call but she never got to press the dial button as a warm body flung itself on her, engulfing her into the tightest hug. She squealed in delight, she didn't need to look up to know who it was. "Rakshan anna!"


To put it simple, the duo took their time with the hug since it's been over a year since they last saw each other. Sivaangi missed Rakshan the most even though he's the family member she has seen the most ever since she left India. He visited her not once but six times in the entire 10 years of her time in Melbourne.

For the rest of them, she hadn't even seen them much to miss them. But overall she missed being with people. She missed being with a family. She missed being home.

To think she's finally getting what she has been craving for the most, she felt thrilled.


The cold wind in the terrace blew her hair gently every few seconds. Her fingers busily adjusted them while her mouth was even busier chatting away. Surrounded by cousins that can't be counted with all her fingers even and her sister that she hasn't talked to for a long time, there were endless of stories to exchange. After all they are 10 years worth of stories. A single night wouldn't be enough to share them all.

But Sivaangi told herself that she had at least twenty more nights to do this before she's sent away again. Twenty isn't very generous but a person who spent most of her life in solitude shouldn't complain so Sivaangi was grateful with what was given.

The spicy conversation about a night in the club was abruptly cut when Janani walked over with a displeased face. "Shalini nee poyi thoongu, tomorrow is a big day. Kadhai lam aprom pesikalam."

(Shalini go sleep now, tomorrow is a big day. You can chitchat some other time.)

Sivaangi didn't fail to notice how the woman made sure to not look at her even once, not even accidentally.

Marriage With Benefits | Ashwin | Sivaangi |  An Ashaangi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now