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Favourite Teenage Fever song? Obviously it would be Piece Of My Heart

Favourite INRO song? Bad News

Do you like Dua Lipa? Depends on my mood

Favourite food? French Fries

If you could kiss anyone dead or alive who would it be? Carson Lueders

Where do you wanna live when you're older? New Mexico, Tennessee, LA, or Toronto

Favourite song of 2015? Stitches by Shawn Mendes

If you could add any celebrity to your family who would it be? Jules Leblanc, Johnny Orlando, Lauren Orlando, or Jayden Bartel's

What's your zodiac sign? Scorpio

What zodiac sign do you not get along with? Aries

Favourite color? Rose Gold

Hobbies? I act like I can sing, but in reality I suck.

Do you have a crush? .....celeb: yes, reality: maybe.....

Have you ever dated someone? Yes

What grade are you in? I'm not giving that out....

Age? ^^

Dream Job? Cardiac surgeon, actress, or a singer

Favourite shows? Hsmtmts, Side Hustle, Chicken Girls, Total Eclipse

Favourite song at the moment? Not Your Toy by Capri Everett, Bad News by Johnny Orlando, When Will It Be Tomorrow by Ava Kolker

When did you start writing your first book on here? Mid 2020 on my old act

Favourite written piece you've done so far? I don't know

Do you read smut? I have.

Ships? Julihayden, jayjules, rini, Johannie, a little bit jenzie, kayden as a friendship

Favourite celebrity that isn't an Orlando? Jules Leblanc

One place you wanna visit? Toronto

Favourite troupe? I don't have one...

Do you have any drafts? Not at the moment.

Do you have any new books in the making? No. I want to have at least 15 chapters on "The Nerd Group" before making another book.

If you meet john, what would be the first thing you do? I would hug him, and probably wake up realizing it was a dream...

Favourite Store? Forever 21 or Foot Locker

Online shopping or in person shopping? In person

When do you want to move out? Asap

Kacey speaks
I challenge johnnysfuturewife to do this. Please don't think I specifically chose, I just scrolled and pressed on this one! K, bye

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