annnnndddd rejected.

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hi again.

so y'all know (hopefully) about last part and then like months ago about my ex and stuff right? well, he texted me asking to get back together cause 'hE sTiLl hAs fEeLiNgS fOr mE"

yeahhh i rejected him-

honestly, i have very valid reasons.

1. I have a bunch of shit to catch up on for school, so I'm not gonna have time to actually be a girlfriend.

2. I don't feel the same for him anymore, I've moved on and HE DID TOO!

3. I don't want to be with him if I don't like him, but at the same time I don't think he actually likes me.

4. I feel like he is using me as a rebound cause his girlfriend he had at homecoming cheated on him.

5. I'm not in a place to be in a relationship, mentally.

6. I like someone else

so yeah. and he is practically BEGGING me to date him. if he asks one more time im gonna go off on his ass.

so yeah, i just wanted to say that I rejected him :)

okay bai.

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