Explanation to my mb

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So, he finally responded and after reading all my texts, he said


And I said "besides the hat, yes"

He replied with "bet"

Me not thinking about it, he says he wants me to call him the nickname I refuse to call him.

Which is daddy.

Keep in mind, we are 7th graders and he is younger than me.

I told him no, he said yes, then started spelling it out.

I told him that if he didn't stop, I would break up with him.

He didn't stop so I told him I was being serious and that he doesn't know what I have against that word.

Then he said "ok ok ok ok 🥺"

And HE HAD THE NERVE TO GO "wanna join my game?"

I told him "not rn. I'm not in the mood"

And left the convo with him.

I'm literally crying because of that. And the reason I hate that fucking word.

So yeah. Now I'm pissed at him and I'm not calling him at midnight anymore.

Okay. Bai

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