im just venting

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Feel free to skip this. Im srsly just venting cause if i dont, im not gonna be okay.

I fond out tomorrow when surgery is. I cant go to school until after surgery cause they dont want me risking getting the rona. Im tired of people saying "theres something bigger in life for you" or "it gets better, I promise" or something along the lines of that. And dont sit there and promise me things you know you cant keep as a promise. And stop asking if im okay. I'm tired of lying to y'all. I have to mis volleyball tryouts because i cant ve a normal fucking human. IVE WAITED 2 YEARS FOR THIS AND NOW THAT THE CHANCE IS FINALLY MINE, ITS FUCKING GONE.  I know I have people that love me, but it dont feel like it. I'm slowly going invisible to everyone, and nobody can see how much it hurts to see your supposedly best friend replace you because of one fight you had. The only fight in a 3 year friendship. IT HURTS TO KNOW THAT EVERYTHING WE DID, YOU DO WITH HER. BUT YOU DONT SEE IT CAUSE YOU DONT CARE! DONT TELL ME THAT YOUR SORRY CAUSE I KNOW YOUR NOT! why do you pay for my brother to play sports, but you wont pay for me to play? my father chooses to ignore me. I cant talk to anyone about it, cause nobody understands. Everyone replies with the same thing and I'm tired of it. if you see I'm actually struggling, dont sit there and say it get better because it never has gotten any better. it only gets worse. and stop saying you love me, we've only been together for a week! and if your ex still means enough that you have to bring her up everyday, get back with her! It will only add on to my shit, but hey! whats one more thing right? and people wonder why all my music is so depressing.

Thanks for letting me vent. Im not sure if you actually read it or not, but yeah. K, bye!

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