uhh hey ig

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wow. there is so much to fill you in on. for starters, happy New year and merry christmas (if you celebrate). so much has happened since i logged off.

for starters, i dyed my hair. im now blonde and im loving it! uh, a whole lot of drama happened that ill fill u in on later. i had, yet again, another heart break from a boy i wasnt even dating. i think i like my hair ladies son... its a long story.

soo lets start with the drama ig.

this girl at school was going around saying crap about my friends and i. she was saying how she was gonna beat us up and all this stuff. my friends told the principles, but i didnt say anything about it. everyone was asking why i wasnt saying anything and i told them all "if she has a problem with me she can come to me and we'll work it out. if she wants to fight lets fight." she heard what i said and came up to me with the biggest attitude and all her little buddies following her. my friends stood behind me with their boyfriends. remind you im single. and she started talking crap to my face and started cussing me out. my friends were holding me back but i over powered them and pulled out of their grip. a big circle of people formed. i told her "if you wanna fight then lets fight but your taking the first hit". she didnt seem to like that cause she told her friends to jump me. they didnt tho. the principle sent her to the office and then the day went on. fast forward a couple months and we're cool now. we arent friends but we dont hate eachother.

i got a guy bsf. he was there for me when i was upset or when a boy wouldnt leave me alone. then someone started rumours saying that he and i were dating. now that really didnt bother us because we knew it wasnt true, but its an important detail. his girlfriend and i were good friends. we met at cheer camp. she and one of my other friends forced my guy bsf to block me and have no contact with me what so ever. and at the time they they did that, they werent even dating. so that happened and i dont talk to any of them. he was also the guy that broke my heart without me even dating him...

remember the girl that dated my ex and had a whole bunch of crap thrown on my name? yeah, we're best friends now. funny how we both realised how big of a jerk my ex is and bonded over it. now we're inseparable but our parents dont like eachother.

i had a solo in the choir winter concert. that was nerve wracking. that night i found out that a boy likes me, but i dont like him back.

and my ex just texted me... thats weird...

im working on myself. my self confidence is rising and im wearing less baggy clothing. i refuse to wear shorts in public tho.

thats pretty much it...

im so jappy to be back

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